четвртак, 23. фебруар 2017.


25 ANĐEO U PORODICI Angel in the Family (2004) 88 min [A]
26 KAD BI SAMO If Only (2004) 96 min [A]
27 SVIM SRCEM All of My Heart (2015) 84 min [A]
28 GOSPOĐA ČUDO Mrs. Miracle (2009) 92 min [A]
29 SASTANAK ZA VALENTINOVO [aka TVOJA LJUBAV NIKAD NEĆE IZDATI] Valentine's Date, A [aka Your Love Never Fails] (2011) 96 min [A
30 MARLI I JA Marley & Me (2008) 115 min [A
31 ČUDA SA NEBA Miracles from Heaven (2016)  109 min [A
32 NESTANAK NEPROCENJIVOG DIJAMANTALoss of a Teardrop Diamond, The (2008) 103 min [A
33 LEP KORAK [aka FANDANGO] Fine Step, A [aka Fandango] (2014) 111 min [A]
34 SVI PUTEVI VODE U RIM All Roads Lead to Rome (2015) 90 min [A
35 DEVOJKA ZA PAMĆENJE [aka ZAPAMTI NEDELJU] Remember Sunday (2013) 97 min [A]
36 DOLE U DOLINI Down in the Valley (2005) 103 min [B

Angel in the Family (2004)
[Meredith Baxter ... Lorraine, Ronny Cox ... Buddy, Natasha Gregson Wagner ... Beth, Tracey Needham ... Sarah, John Pyper-Ferguson ... Alex, David Chisum ... David, Tommy Hinkley ... Joe, Tess Harper ... Mrs. Nelly Tomkins, Alex Scarlis ... Keith (as Alexander Scarlis), Kristina Krofft ... Assistant, Joshua Grenrock ... Howie, Patrick Day ... The Client, James Tumminia ... Doctor, Warren D. Davis ... Minister, Dominic Scott Kay ... Frankie]
- An ailing widowed father and his two estranged daughters experience a miracle when their late matriarch returns to spend Christmas with them. Sarah Bishop and her estranged sister Beth are reunited after their father Buddy suffers a mild stroke. Buddy, who's never accepted the loss of his wife Lorraine, wants only one thing-to return home for Christmas. With sweet memories of a life gone by, Sarah makes an impossible wish that her mother could be there, too. By morning, it is as if a winter prayer has been answered. Bearing a message of hope, healing, and everlasting love, a miracle has arrived... [Echo Bridge Home Entertainment] [Director: Georg Stanford Brown] [88 min, Drama, USA]
- Sara (T. Needham) živi sa ostarelim ocem (R. Cox). Ima vezu sa Džoom (T. Hinkley), koji izbegava čvrstu obavezu. Živi prepuštena njima dvojici, kao da je zaboravila na sebe i izgubila kontrolu nad vlastitim životom. Za to vreme njena mlađa sestra Bet (N. Gregson Wagner) živi u Čikagu, srećno je udata i ima briljantnu karijeru. Sestre se nikad nisu dobro slagale. Sara je uvek bila odgovornija i teže dolazila do onoga što želi, dok je lepa, razmažena Bet bila mezimica oca i majke i popularna izvan kuće. Kad otac doživi lakši moždani udar, zaželi da odu u kuću u kojoj su provodili praznike kad je majka bila živa. Sara pozove Bet da dođe i bude i ona uz oca, jer mu je to možda poslednji Božić, a Bet stiže nervozna i nezadovoljna, jer je bila usred važnog posla. Sara je, kao i uvek, ogorčena. Sedeći na tremu, bespomoćna i utučena, ima samo jednu želju: da se bar mama (M. Baxter) može vratiti. Ali, u napuštenoj planinskoj kući počinju se događati čudne stvari: kreveti su namešteni onako kako ih je majka nameštala, ujutro ih čeka vrući kakao kako ga je majka kuvala, na boru se pojavljuju ukrasi koje one nisu mogle naći, odjednom se stvori pita tačno onakva kakvu je majka pravila. A onda jedno jutro vide oca kako sav radostan i čio šeta livadom držeći za ruku ženu koja izgleda kao njihova majka...

If Only (2004)
[Jennifer Love Hewitt ... Samantha Andrews, Paul Nicholls ... Ian Wyndham, Tom Wilkinson ... Taxi Driver, Diana Hardcastle ... Claire, Lucy Davenport ... Lottie, Roy Sampson ... Dunbar, Kevin Moore ... Hotel Employee, Neville Phillips ... Concert MC, Ben Ridgeway ... Teenage Boy, Teo-Wa Vuong ... Enniko, Terence Harvey ... Trahem, Al Wilde ... Oliver, Danny Babington ... Nigel, Stewart Wright ... Mike, Graham Turner ... Richard]
- It takes a tragedy to teach the young businessman Ian to put love ahead of work and open up to his musician girlfriend Samantha. After his impetuous musician girlfriend, Samantha, dies in an accident shortly after they had a fight (and nearly broke up), a grief-stricken British businessman, Ian Wyndham, living in London gets a chance to relive the day all over again, in the hope of changing the events that led up to her getting killed. [Director: Gil Junger] [92 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy | Drama | Fantasy | Romance, USA-UK]
- Samanta (J. Love Hewitt) je vrlo nadarena violinistkinja koja živi u Londonu sa svojim momkom Janom Vindamom (P. Nicholls), britanskim biznismenom. Kako dani prolaze, sve se čini u najboljem redu, ali ipak, njihova veza nalazi se na ivici. Jan sve više vremena provodi na poslu, uzima Samantu "zdravo za gotovo", dok ona veruje da se Jan sve više od nje skriva i udaljava. Samanta gine u nesreći nekoliko trenutaka nakon što su se posvađali. Sledeće jutro Jan se budi i shvata da ponovo proživljava isti dan. Dobija neprocenjivu priliku. Priliku za drugu šansu, za ponovnu istinsku ljubav i poverenje, šansu da ispravi sve pogrešne postupke. Dobio je priliku da iznova proživi njen poslednji dan iz početka. Sada ju je voleo kao da sutra ne postoji. Jan će morati dati sve od sebe da bi učinio ono što retki uspeju, da promenu sudbinu. "Zabavna priča puna neizvjesnosti" – Beyondhollywood.com

All of My Heart (2015)
[Lacey Chabert ... Jenny Fintley, Brennan Elliott ... Brian Howell, Edward Asner ... Vern, Greyston Holt ... Daryl, Daniel Cudmore ... Tommy, Heather Doerksen ... Casey, Barbara Pollard ... Alice, Patrick Sabongui ... Harry, Drew Tanner ... Rusty, Paul McGillion ... Chef Oliver, Holly Hougham ... Ashley, Chris Cochrane ... Hank, Michael Roberds ... Deli Owner, Cardi Wong ... Dishwasher, Tom Tasse ... Ed Gracey]
- After inheriting half of a house, a young woman develops an unexpected friendship with her co-owner. A young caterer's life suddenly changes course when she inherits a country home and learns she must share it with a career-obsessed Wall Street trader. At first, these opposites do not attract, but feelings begin to change when they find themselves having to work side-by-side to restore their newly acquired home. [Director: Peter DeLuise] [81 min, 16:9 HD, Comedy | Family | Romance, CAN-USA]
- Život mlade žene (L. Chabert) koja se bavi keteringom iznenada se menja kada nasledi kuću na selu i sazna da mora da je deli sa karijerom opsednutim trgovcem na berzi (B. Elliott). U početku, suprotnosti se ne privlače, ali vremenom, dok zajedno rade na obnovi novostečenog doma, njihova osećanja se menjaju...  

Mrs. Miracle (2009)
[James Van Der Beek ... Seth Webster, Erin Karpluk ... Reba Maxwell, Doris Roberts ... Mrs. Merkle, Michael Strusievici ... Judd Webster, Valin Shinyei ... Jason Webster, Chelah Horsdal ... Kate Preston, Johannah Newmarch ... Vicki, Wanda Cannon ... Joan Maxwell, Pat Waldron ... Mrs. Darling, Patti Allan ... Milly Waters, Peter Graham-Gaudreau ... Doug, Dolores Drake ... Mrs. Hampston, Maggie Sullivun ... Mrs. Cooper, Candus Churchill ... Mrs. Larson, Rikki Gagne ... Carrie]
- Overwhelmed widower Seth Webster is searching for a housekeeper to help him with his unruly six year old twin sons. "Mrs. Miracle" mysteriously appears and quickly becomes an irreplaceable nanny, chef, friend... and matchmaker. Since his wife's fatal car crash, Seth Webster is frazzled with his architect career and caring for his darling, rascal twin sons Jason and Judd (6), whose unrelenting mischief chased every housekeeper the agency sent in no time. Mrs. Merkle turns up mysteriously, but is so good at minding boys and house that her name gets corrupted into Mrs. Miracle. Sneakily, she also pulls miraculous strings to make sure recluse Seth dates again with another reluctant dater, Reba Maxwell, also to the kids' liking, through their school's Christmas show. [Director: Michael Scott (as Michael M. Scott)] [Debbie Macomber (book)] [90 min, 1.78 : 1, Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Romance, USA-CAN]
- Mladi udovac Set Vebster (J. Van Der Beek) teško može zadržati domaćicu koja bi se brinula za kuću i njegova dva nestašna 6-ogodišnjaka, blizance Džejsona (V. Shinyei) i Džada (M. Strusievici). Na scenu stupa gospođa Merkl (D. Roberts), odnosno kako je zbog sličnog izgovora dečaci nazovu gospođa Čudo (=miracle). Gospođa Čudo počne vući konce sa namerom da se udovac otvori prema svetu i vlastitoj deci kaže nešto više o njihovoj pokojnoj majci, temi o kojoj se u porodici ne govori. Uspe ga povezati sa mladom Ribom Maksvel (E. Karpluk) koja režira dečju božićnu predstavu u školi, a i sama je opterećena bolima iz prošlosti. Ovaj božićni film bavi se temama porodice, bolne prošlosti i opraštanja, ali podići će vam raspoloženje što ga svrstava u kategoriju feel-good filmova. Snimljen je po knjizi Debi Makomber.

Valentine's Date, A [aka Your Love Never Fails] (2011) 
[Elisa Donovan ... Laura Connors, Brad Rowe ... Dylan Connors, Tom Skerritt ... Jack Connors, Fred Willard ... Paul, Catherine Hicks ... Judge Cramer, John Schneider ... Pastor Frank, Kirstin Dorn ... Kelsey Connors, Victoria Pratt ... Anne Marie, Tracey Gold ... Samantha Pierce, Caia Coley ... Judy, Chonda Pierce ... Ms. Chang, Robert Neary ... Dan, Barry Barnholtz ... Bart, 
Anna Barnholtz ... Cathy, Tori Stroop ... Emma]
- A working mother (Elisa Donovan) is forced to return to a life she left behind in Texas when her daughter's father (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody. [Director: Michael Feifer] [96 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Family l Romance, USA]
- Porodični film/romantična komedija o ženi koja živi u Njujorku, mužu koji živi u Teksasu, imaju ćerku koja ih oboje voli i još se nisu sudski rastali... Lora Konors (E. Donovan) je ambiciozna mlada žena, zaposlena u uglednoj banci, čeka je napredovanje. Zbog toga strada njen lični život, koga gotovo i nema. Sve slobodno vreme koje ima posvećuje svojoj ćerki Kelsi (K. Dorn). Zato je šokirana kad dobije pismo u kome njen muž traži da podele starateljstvo nad detetom, jer je, s obzirom na razdaljinu, preretko viđa. Sudski spor zakazan je u Teksasu, a sutkinja presuđuje da oboje roditelja moraju u sledeća tri dana razrešiti razmirice koje imaju, pa će tek tada doneti svoju presudu o starateljstvu. Novo ročište zakazano je za 14. februar, na Valentinovo...

Marley & Me (2008)
[Owen Wilson ... John Grogan, Jennifer Aniston ... Jenny Grogan, Eric Dane ... Sebastian, Kathleen Turner ... Ms. Kornblut, Alan Arkin ... Arnie Klein, Nathan Gamble ... Patrick (Age 10), Haley Bennett ... Lisa, Ann Dowd ... Dr. Platt, Clarke Peters ... Editor, Finley Jacobsen ... Conor (Age 8), Lucy Merriam ... Colleen (Age 5), Bryce Robinson ... Patrick (Age 7), Ben Hyland ... Conor (Age 5), Sarah O'Kelly ... Neighbor Mom (Nurse), Keith Hudson ... Big Guy]
- A family learns important life lessons from their adorable, but naughty and neurotic dog. After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer Grogan move to Florida. In an attempt to stall Jennifer's "biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley's antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone's patience by acting like the world's most impulsive dog. [Director: David Frankel] [John Grogan (book: "Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog") [115 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Family, USA]
- Oven Vilson i Dženifer Aniston kreću put uništenja u filmu "Marli i ja", priči o paru koji kreće u pustolovinu braka, karijera, porodice i najgoreg psa na svetu. Barem tako tek oženjeni pisac Džon Grogan (O. Wilson) opisuje svog žutog labradora Marlija kad povede štenca kući i shvati da ta pahuljica ima jezivu sposobnost da pojede i/ili uništi bilo šta. Nakon što su se venčali, Džon i njegova supruga Dženifer (J. Aniston) sele se na Floridu sa namerom da tamo osnuju porodicu. Kako bi na neko vreme odložio rođenje dece, Džon pokloni Dženifer štene labradora, koje izraste u velikog i nestašnog psa Marlija, koji Džonu i Dženifer zadaje mnogo brige i posla. Ali, njegove nepodopštine pruže Džonu gomilu materijala za novinsku kolumnu. Godine prolaze i Džon i Dženifer razmišljaju o tome da imaju decu i presele se na drugi kraj zemlje, a Marli izrasta u 45 kg smešnog, divljeg psećeg prijatelja kog je potpuno nemoguće istrenirati, kao i jednog od najvažnijih članova porodice. Film prati njihove živote od početka Džonove novinarske karijere pa sve do osnivanja porodice, a svih tih godina uz njih se nalazio pas Marli, koji im je, i pored svih neprilika koje je činio, pomagao da prebrode i najteže trenutke. Film "Marli i ja" snimljen je prema autobiografskom bestseleru kolumniste Džona Grogana.

Miracles from Heaven (2016)
[Jennifer Garner ... Christy Beam, Kylie Rogers ... Anna Beam, Martin Henderson ... Kevin Beam, Brighton Sharbino ... Abbie Beam, Courtney Fansler ... Adelynn Beam, Queen Latifah ... Angela, Eugenio Derbez ... Dr. Nurko, Kelly Collins Lintz ... Emmy, John Carroll Lynch ... Pastor Scott, Brandon Spink ... Billy Snyder, Rhoda Griffis ... Church Lady, Erica McGee ... Church Lady (as Erica Allen McGee), Wayne Pére ... Ben (as Wayne Péré), Bruce Altman ... Dr. Burgi, Hannah Alligood ... Haley]
- A young girl suffering from a rare digestive disorder finds herself miraculously cured after surviving a terrible accident. MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter's healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired. [Sony Pictures Entertainment] [Director: Patricia Riggen] [Christy Beam (book)] [109 min, 1.85 : 1, Biography | Drama | Family, USA]
- "Čuda sa neba" je zasnovan na neverovatnoj istinitoj priči o porodici Bim. Kad Kristi (J. Garner) otkrije da njena 10-ogodišnja ćerka Ana (K. Rogers) ima retku, neizlečivu bolest, ona počinje da traži rešenje i postaje strastveni borac za ćerkino ozdravljenje. Posle Anine bizarne nesreće i njenog dramatičnog spasavanja dešava se neočekivano čudo koje zbunjuje medicinske stručnjake, ujedinjuje njenu porodicu i inspiriše celu zajednicu.

Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, The (2008)
[Bryce Dallas Howard ... Fisher Willow, Chris Evans ... Jimmy, Will Patton ... Mr. Dobyne, Ann-Margret ... Cornelia, Mamie Gummer ... Julie, Jessica Collins ... Vinnie, Ellen Burstyn ... Addie, Peter Gerety ... Mr. Van Hooven, Marin Ireland ... Esmeralda, Zoe Perry ... Mathilde, Barbara Garrick ... Mrs. Dobyne, Zach Grenier ... Mr. Fenstermaker, Laila Robins ... Mrs. Fenstermaker, Susan Blommaert ... Addie's Nurse, Carol Sutton ... Susie]
- Tells the story of Fisher Willow, the disliked 1920s Memphis débutante daughter of a plantation owner with a distaste for narrow-minded people and a penchant for shocking and insulting those around her. After returning from studies overseas, Fisher falls in love with Jimmy, the down-and-out son of an alcoholic father and an insane mother who works at a store on her family's plantation. She tries to pass him off as an upper-class suitor to appease the spinster aunt who controls her family's fortune, but when she loses a diamond, it places their tenuous relationship in further jeopardy. [Director: Jodie Markell] [Tennessee Williams (screenplay)] [102 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Romance, USA] 
- Fišer Vilou (B.D. Howard) je ćerka vlasnika plantaže koja voli da šokira uskogrudne ljude. Zaljubljuje se u Džimija (C. Evans), siromašnog mladića koga pokuša predstaviti kao pripadnika višeg staleža. Ali, nakon što Fišer izgubi dijamant, njihova veza naiđe na probleme.

Fine Step, A [aka Fandango] (2014)
[Luke Perry ... Cal Masterson, Justin Baldoni ... Marzo Bolivar, Leonor Varela ... Liliana Bolívar, Armand Assante ... Alejandro Bolivar, Cameron Daddo ... Mason Scott, Cylk Cozart, Anna Claire Sneed ... Claire Scott, Ashley Ann Vickers ... Sierra, Oliver Macready ... Tucker, Amy Lavere ... Maggie Masterson, Mannie De Castro ... Millio, Carol Lynn Hovland ... Arena Spectator, Donald Meyers ... Cowboy, T.J. Cates ... Arena Place Cowboy, Wesley Okerson ... Ron Palitz]
- A former champion horse rider, whose career ended after a serious accident, finds new hope when his teen neighbor convinces him that he should compete again. A Fine Step is an uplifting family drama centering on Cal Masterson (Luke Perry) an award winning horseman whose relationship with his beloved horse Fandango allows him to achieve multiple championship wins. However tragedy strikes when Cal and Fandango are involved in a serious accident, ending Cal's horse riding days forever. Cal's devastation is slowly overcome when his new neighbour, 14 year old Claire Mason (Anna Claire Sneed) takes an interest in Fandango and convinces him that Fandango's competing days might not be over. [Director: Jonathan Meyers] [111 min, Drama, USA]
- Kada stručnjak za konje doživi traumatičnu nesreću sa svojim najboljim konjem, prevazilazi svoju povredu uz pomoć mlade devojke koja pomaže u rehabilitaciji njega i konja.

All Roads Lead to Rome (2015)
[Sarah Jessica Parker ... Maggie, Rosie Day ... Summer, Raoul Bova ... Luca, Claudia Cardinale ... Carmen, Paz Vega ... Giulia Carni, Nadir Caselli ... Valentina, Shel Shapiro ... Marcellino, Marco Bonini ... Inspector Moravia, Rocío Munoz ... Ermenegilda - The Little Van Girl, Walter D'Errico ... Romolo, Gianclaudio Caretta ... Orazio, Chiara Bassermann ... Nurse, Barney Harris ... Tyler, Paola Lavini ... Assistant to Giulia, Luis Molteni ... Priest]
- Maggie is an uptight, single mother and college writing teacher from New York City. In an effort to reconnect with her troubled teen daughter Summer, she decides to embark on a journey to a Tuscan village that she frequented in her younger days. Upon arrival, Maggie runs into Luca, a handsome former lover who is still a bachelor and lives with his eighty-year-old mother, Carmen. Summer (missing her "bad boy" boyfriend in NYC) and Carmen (secretly planning a wedding against Luca's wishes to Marcelino, her one true love in Rome) impulsively steal Luca's car and race off to Rome. Maggie and Luca quickly pursue allowing the two mismatched couples to spend some time together and develop a new understanding of each other. [Director: Ella Lemhagen] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Romance, ITA-SPA-USA-UK-SWE]
- Megi (S.J. Parker) je samohrana majka iz Njujorka koja kreće na put sa svojom buntovnom ćerkom tinejdžerkom Samer (R. Day). Po dolasku u toskansko selo Megi naleti na njenog bivšeg zgodnog dečka, Luku (R. Bova). Ali kada njena ćerka ukrade Lukin automobil, počinje potraga za njom, u kojoj bivši ljubavnici jedno drugom dozvoljavaju da im se razvijaju međusobna razumevanja…

Remember Sunday (2013)
[Alexis Bledel ... Molly, Zachary Levi ... Gus, Merritt Wever ... Lucy, Barry Shabaka Henley ... Baptiste, Valerie Azlynn ... Jolene, David Hoffman ... Jerry, Jerry Adler ... Sam, Ann McKenzie ... Ardis Applebaum, Dana Gourrier ... Bernadette, Larisa Oleynik ... Lauren, James DuMont ... Dr. Felton, Griff Furst ... Professor Lawrence, Richard Topol ... McCray, Chris Conner ... Lazlo, 
Billy Slaughter ... Jim]
- A lonely waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk who had a brain aneurysm and thus has short-term memory loss. A lonely, down-on-her-luck waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk and thinks that maybe, finally, she's met Mr. Right. The more Molly (Alexis Bledel) gets to know Gus (Zachary Levi), the more she's intrigued by him. But she's also mystified. Gus is absent-minded, preoccupied. Is he hiding something? The short answer is: yes. He's reluctant to share with her that since suffering a brain aneurysm, he's totally lost his short-term memory. Every day is a brand new day, his life starts anew. Every day he sees Molly he struggles to remember who she is and what she represents. Every day, he has to fall in love with her all over again. [Hallmark Hall of Fame] [Director: Jeff Bleckner] [96 min, 16:9 HD, Drama l Romance, USA]
- Usamljena, nesrećna konobarica upoznaje zgodnog, provokativnog prodavca nakita, i misli da je možda konačno srela onog pravog. Ali Gas (Z. Levi) je rasejan, nečim preokupiran. Da li on to nešto skriva? Ukratko: da. Pretrpeo je moždani udar i izgubio kratkoročno pamćenje. Svakog dana život mu počinje iz početka i svaki dan mora da upozna Moli (A. Bledel) i da se zaljubi u nju. Ali, kako da joj to kaže ili šta će biti ako joj kaže?

Down in the Valley (2005)
[Edward Norton ... Harlan, Evan Rachel Wood ... Tobe, David Morse ... Wade, Rory Culkin ... Lonnie, Bruce Dern ... Charlie, John Diehl ... Steve, Geoffrey Lewis ... Sheridan, Elizabeth Pena ... Gale, Kat Dennings ... April, Hunter Parrish ... Kris, Aviva Baumann ... Sherri (as Aviva), Aaron Fors ... Jeremy, Heather Ashleigh ... Shell, Jennifer Echols ... Rita, Cesar Flores ... Hispanic Kid (as Cesar D. Flores)]
- Set in the present-day San Fernando Valley, the project revolves around a delusional man who believes he's a cowboy and the relationship that he starts with a rebellious young woman. Tobe is about 16, living with her dad and younger brother in LA's San Fernando Valley. She invites a gas station attendant named Harlan to come to the beach with her and her friends. He's from South Dakota, wears a cowboy hat, talks country, and has been a ranch hand. They have a great time, his simple expressions seem like wisdom, he's attentive and polite, and even though he's more than twice her age, she wants to spend time with him. When her father objects, she rebels. Harlan, meanwhile, thinks she's his soul mate, and he starts making plans to get her away from her father. Worlds are set to collide, but which ones? [Director: David Jacobson] [114 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Romance l Thriller, USA]
- Edvard Norton jedan je od najsvestranijih holivudskih glumaca univerzitetskog obrazovanja (diplomirao je istoriju na uglednom Jejlu) iza koga nisu samo uspešni nastupi ispred kamera (dvaput je nominovan za Oskara za uloge u filmovima Iskonski strah i Generacija X), nego i iza njih. Osim što se oprobao kao reditelj, Norton je i producent svojih filmova, dok je u ovom filmu debitovao i kao montažer. Harlan (E. Norton) luta zemljom u odeći kauboja skrasivši se napokon u Los Anđelesu. U dolini San Fernando dobije posao na benzinskoj pumpi gde ga uoči grupa tinejdžerki među kojima je i povučena Tob (E.R. Wood). Prihvativši ponudu devojaka da sa njima ode na plažu, Harlan impulsivno napusti posao, a i sviđa mu se Tob. Njih dvoje veoma brzo započnu vezu. Tobin strogi otac Vejd (D. Morse) je sumnjičav prema Harlanu, ali njenom mlađem bratu Loniju (R. Culkin) on se jako sviđa. Malo-pomalo Harlan će sve više uticati na Tob i Lonija, a prve sumnje oko njegove prošlosti i navodnog dolaska iz Južne Dakote izazvaće vest o krađi konja mesnog rančera... "Dole u dolini", smešten u pejzaže čuvene kalifornijske doline San Fernando, crpi snagu iz kontrasta idilične prirode i isto takvog pojma kaubojskog načina života i oštrog suočavanja sa stvarnošću koja je sve samo ne bajkovita. Film je prema sopstvenom scenariju režirao Dejvid Džejkobson, realizujući spoj ljubavne priče sa provokativnom razlikom u godinama središnjeg para i trilerskog podzapleta o pravom identitetu glavnog (anti)junaka. Njega tumači Edvard Norton dokazujući da mu najbolje leže uloge ambivalentnih likova, a vrlo mu dobro parira mlada Evan Rejčel Vud. 


01 KVO VADIS     Quo Vadis (1951)
02 ANA     Anna (1951)
03 NAPULJSKO ZLATO     Oro di Napoli, L' [aka Gold of Naples, The] (1954)
04 ATILA – BIČ BOŽJI     Attila (1954)
05 HLEB, LJUBAV I… [aka SKANDAL U SORENTU]     Pane, amore e..... [aka Scandal in Sorrento] (1955) 
06 PONOS I STRAST     Pride and the Passion, The (1957)
07 LEGENDA O IZGUBLJENOM BLAGU     Legend of the Lost (1957)
08 ČEŽNJA POD BRESTOVIMA     Desire Under the Elms (1958)
09 KLJUČ     Key, The (1958)
10 CRNA ORHIDEJA     Black Orchid, The (1958)
11 KUĆA NA VODI     Houseboat (1958)
12 OPASNA ĐAVOLICA [aka TRUPA VELIKOG HILIJA]     Heller in Pink Tights (1960) 
13 SKANDAL NA DVORU     Breath of Scandal, A (1960)
14 POČELO JE U NAPULJU     It Started in Naples (1960)
15 MILIONERKA     Millionairess, The (1960)
16 ĆOĆARA     Ciociara, La [aka Two Women] (1960)
17 EL SID     El Cid (1961)
18 BOKAČO SEDAMDESETIH     Boccaccio '70 (1962)
19 PET MILJA DO PONOĆI     Couteau dans la plaie, Le [aka Five Miles to Midnight] (1962)
20 JUČE, DANAS I SUTRA     Ieri, oggi, domani [aka Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow] (1963)
21 PAD RIMSKOG CARSTVA     Fall of the Roman Empire, The (1964)
22 BRAK NA ITALIJANSKI NAČIN     Matrimonio all'italiana [aka Marriage Italian Style] (1964)
23 OPERACIJA STRELA     Operation Crossbow (1965)
24 LEDI L     Lady L (1965)
25 DŽUDIT     Judith (1966)
26 ARABESKA     Arabesque (1966)
27 GROFICA IZ HONG KONGA     Countess from Hong Kong, A (1967)
28 VIŠE OD ČUDA     C'era una volta [aka More Than a Miracle] (1967)
29 SUNCOKRET     Girasoli, I [aka Sunflower] (1970)
30 GREH     Bianco, rosso e... [aka Sin, The] (1972)
31 ČOVEK IZ MANČE      Man of La Mancha (1972)
32 PUTOVANJE     Viaggio, Il [aka Voyage The] (1974) 
33 KRATAK SUSRET     Brief Encounter (1974)
34 KASANDRIN MOST     Cassandra Crossing, The (1976)
35 IZUZETAN DAN     Giornata particolare, Una [aka Special Day, A] (1977)
36 ČISTA META     Brass Target (1978)
37 U POTERI ZA STEGNEROM     Firepower (1979)
38 VISOKA MODA     Pret-a-Porter [aka Ready to Wear] (1994) 
39 DŽANGRIZAVI MATORCI 2     Grumpier Old Men (1995)
40 MEĐU NEZNANCIMA     Between Strangers (2002)
41 DEVET     Nine (2009)
42 LJUDSKI GLAS     Voce umana [aka Human Voice] (2014) 

Quo Vadis (1951)
[Robert Taylor ... Marcus Vinicius, Deborah Kerr ... Lygia, Leo Genn ... Petronius, Peter Ustinov ... Nero, Patricia Laffan ... Poppaea, Finlay Currie ... Peter, Abraham Sofaer ... Paul, Marina Berti ... Eunice, Buddy Baer ... Ursus, Felix Aylmer ... Plautius, Nora Swinburne ... Pomponia, Ralph Truman ... Tigellinus, Norman Wooland ... Nerva, Peter Miles ... Nazarius, Geoffrey Dunn ... Terpnos, Bud Spencer ... Imperial Guard (uncredited), Sophia Loren ... Lygia's Slave (uncredited)] 
- A fierce Roman general becomes infatuated with a beautiful Christian hostage and begins questioning the tyrannical leadership of the despot Emporer Nero. Returning to Rome after 3 years in the field, General Marcus Vinicius meets Lygia and falls in love with her. She is a Christian and doesn't want to have anything to do with a warrior. Though she grew up Roman, the adopted daughter of a retired general, Lygia is technically a hostage of Rome. Marcus gets Emperor Nero to give her to him for services rendere. [Directors: Mervyn LeRoy and Anthony Mann (uncredited)] [171 min, 1.37 : 1, Biography | Drama | History, USA]
- Rim, u doba vladavine cara Nerona. Vreme sve većeg sukoba dekadentnog rimskog poretka, koji simbolizuje razvratni Neron (P. Ustinov), sa novom religijom, hrišćanstvom. Rimski vojskovođa Marko Vinicije (R. Taylor) vraća se u Rim posle tri godine provedene u ratu. Tada upoznaje hrišćanku po imenu Ligija (D. Kerr), i zaljubljuje se u nju. Osim ljubavne priče između rimskog vojnika i mlade hrišćanke Ligije, izvanredno je opisan kontrast između vladajućeg ali dekadencijom uzdrmanog paganstva i hrišćanstva u usponu, luksuza carskih palata i memljive skučenosti katakombi. 

Anna (1951)
[Silvana Mangano ... Anna, Gaby Morlay ... La madre superiora, Raf Vallone ... Andrea, Jacques Dumesnil ... Il professor Ferri, Vittorio Gassman ... Vittorio (as Vittorio Gassmann), Patrizia Mangano ... Luisa, Natascia Mangano ... Lucia Manzi, Piero Lulli ... Il dottor Manzi, Dina Romano ... Suor Paolina, Rosita Pisano ... Suor Carmela, Bianca Doria ... Una partoriente, Rocco D'Assunta ... Un padre, Lyla Rocco ... Un'infermiera (as Lilla Rocco), Dina Perbellini ... Una malata, Emilio Petacci ... Il colonnello Zenner, Sophia Loren ... L'assistente di Vittorio al nightclub (uncredited)]
- Anna is a nurse and a nun, whose history catches up on her. Anna, a former sexy nightclub dancer who has become a hospital nurse, is on the verge of taking the veil. One day, She recognizes Andrea, her former fiancé, among the patients. Her troubled past suddenly comes back to her. Though engaged to Andrea, she was attracted to Vittorio, the owner of the nightclub where she performed as a singer and dancer. After Vittorio attempted to rape her, Andrea killed him. Following this tragedy. Anna decided to go into a convent. Andrea, who has been acquitted, now tries to persuade Anna to come back to him but at this very moment it is announced that a train has been derailed. Anna then understands that she must dedicate herself to her new vocation. [Director: Alberto Lattuada] [107 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Drama l Romance, ITA-FRA]
- Ana (S. Mangano), bivša plesačica u noćnom klubu, postaje medicinska sestra, ali je aveti prošlosti pronalaze. Posle ubistva vlasnika kluba kod koga je radila odlučuje da ode u manastir. Bivši verenik je odgovara od toga, ali splet tragičnih okolnosti tera je da shvati da mora da se posveti svom novom pozivu.

Oro di Napoli, L' [aka Gold of Naples, The] (1954)
[Silvana Mangano ... Teresa (segment "Teresa"), Sophia Loren ... Sofia (segment "Pizze a credito"), Eduardo De Filippo ... Don Ersilio Miccio (segment "Il professore"), Paolo Stoppa ... Don Peppino - the Widower (segment "Pizze a credito"), Erno Crisa ... Don Nicola (segment "Teresa"), Toto ... Don Saverio Petrillo (segment "Il guappo"), Lianella Carell ... Carolina, Wife of Saverio (segment "Il guappo"), Giacomo Furia ... Rosario - Husband of Sofia (segment "Pizze a credito"), Tina Pica ... Old Woman (segment "Il professore"), Alberto Farnese ... Alfredo - Lover of Sofia (segment "Pizze a credito"), Tecla Scarano ... Friend of Peppino (segment "Pizze a credito"), Pierino Bilancioni ... Gennarino - the Child (segment "I giocatori"), Lars Borgström ... Federico - the Doorkeeper (segment "I giocatori"), Gianni Crosio ... Alfonso Maria di Sant'Agata dei Fornai (segment "Il professore"), Nino Imparato ... Gennaro (segment "Il professore")]
- Tribute to Naples, where director De Sica spent his first years, this is a collection of 6 Napolitean episodes: a clown exploited by a gangster; an inconstant pizza seller (Sofia) loosing her husband's ring; the funeral of a dead child; the gambler Count Prospero B. defeated by a kid; the unexpected and unusual wedding of Teresa, a prostitute; the "professor" Ersilio Micci, a "wisdom seller". [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [138 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Drama, ITA]
- Film je napravljen kao posveta Napulju gde je reditelj proveo svoje rane godine. Kolekcija šest napuljskih epizoda: klovna izrabljuje gangster; prodavačica pizze (S. Loren) izgubi mužev prsten; pogreb mrtvog deteta (Teresa De Vita); kockara Prospera (V. De Sica) pobeđuje dete (P. Bilancioni); neočekivano i neobično venčanje prostitutke Tereze (S. Mangano); priča o "profesoru" Ersiliju (E. De Filippo) koji "prodaje mudrost". Vitorio de Sika, Ćezare Zavatini i Đuzepe Marota su napisali ovu antologiju od 6 priča opisujući različite aspekte napuljskog života, sa naglaskom na žestinu i komediju: "Reketar" ("Il guappo") prikazuje Totoa sa gangsterom kao njegovim neželjenim gostom u kući; "Pice na kredit" ("Pizze a credito") pruža Sofiji Loren jednu od prvih uloga, igra neuračunljivu suprugu koja gubi svoju burmu; "Mali pogreb" ("Funeralino"); "Kockari" ("I giocatori") sa de Sikom u glavnoj ulozi veselog prikaza kompulsivnog kockara kome njegova bogata porodica neće da daje novac, pa on mora da igra karte sa mlađim sinom svoje služavke; "Tereza" ("Teresa") prikazuje Silvanu Mangano kao prostitutku koja otkriva da muškarac mora stvarno da bude lud da bi se njome oženio; "Profesor" ("Il professore") sa Eduardom De Filipom. Segment "Mali pogreb" je izbrisan sa skoro svih verzija za prikazivanje, a kratki segment "Profesora" se pojavljuje samo u originalnoj italijanskoj verziji.  

Attila (1954)
[Anthony Quinn ... Attila (as Anthony Qvinn), Sophia Loren ... Honoria, Henri Vidal ... Aetius, Claude Laydu ... Valentiniano Caesar, Irene Papas ... Grune, Colette Régis ... Galla Placidia, Ettore Manni ... Bleda, Brother of Attila, Eduardo Ciannelli ... Onegesius, Counsellor to Attila (as Eduardo Cianelli), Georges Bréhat ... Prisco, Christian Marquand ... Hun Leader, Guido Celano ... Capo della tribu / Tribe Chieftan, Aldo Pini ... Dominicus, Marco Guglielmi ... Kadis, Antonio Amendola, Richard Bakalyan]
- Attila, the leader of the barbarian Huns and called by the Romans "The Scourge of God", sweeps onto the Italian peninsula, defeating all of the armies of Rome, until he and his men reach the gates of the city itself. The king of the Huns, whose hordes from various tribes and allies have been sweeping the Asian steppes and both Roman empires, dies, leaving the throne to two sons. Bleda, tired of war and hungry, bloody campaigns, wants to settle as allies of Rome in peace, his brother Attila believes only in the power of the sword. Roman general Aethius, who knows the Huns well as a result of former hostage exchanges, fails to get a true peace but buys a shaky one promising doubled tribute. The court of weakling emperor Valentinianus, moved north from Rome to Ravenna, where the true ruler is empress-mother Galla Placidia, widow of a barbarian king, refuses the terms and imprisons Aethius, who still refuses to seize power with Valentinian's sister Honoria. The ambitious princess now offers her hand and the empire as dowry to Attila, just what Bleda hoped for. Scorning peace, Attila has popular Bleda murdered during a hunt, and persuades the hordes to march with him on the empire. [Director: Pietro Francisci] [80 min, 1.37 : 1, Biography l Drama l History, ITA-FRA]
- Godina je 450. Huni, nezaustavljiva horda varvara iz udaljenih azijskih pustinja, vođena nezajažljivom glađu za plenom kreće prema bogatim zapadnim zemljama i Rimu. Njih predvodi poglavica čije ime se izgovara kao i đavolovo, a preteće je kao i mač... Atila, Bič Božji.

Pane, amore e..... [aka Scandal in Sorrento] (1955) 
[Vittorio De Sica ... Comandante Carotenuto, Sophia Loren ... Sofia Cocozza - 'a Smargiassa', Lea Padovani ... Violante Ruotolo, Antonio Cifariello ... Nicola Pascazio 'Nicolino', Tina Pica ... Caramella, Mario Carotenuto ... Don Matteo Carotenuto, Yoka Berretty ... Erika, Virgilio Riento ... Don Emidio, Clara Crispo ... Donna Carmela, Pasquale Misiano ... Don Peppino, Antonio La Raina ... Sindaco di Sorrento, Nino Imparato ... Vigile urbano, Gaetano Autiero ... Titino, Fausto Guerzoni ... Uomo col cannocchiale, Attilio Torelli ... Rumbumbu]
- Back to his hometown, a former marshal finds his house occupied by a young woman working as a fishwife. Marshall Antonio Carotenuto comes back to native Sorrento to take care of the local fire brigade. But since Sofia, a very nice fishmonger, occupies his native house Antonio share another home with Donna Violante, secretly fall in love with him. Sofia accepts to marry Antonio almost as a joke to make Nicolino, a traffic policeman, getting jealous. The chances for the two deloused sweethearts aren't over as it could appear. [Director: Dino Risi] [92 min, 2.55 : 1, Comedy | Romance, ITA]
- Bivši vojnik Antonio Karotenuto (V. De Sica) vraća se u rodni Sorento, da bi se brinuo o lokalnoj vatrogasnoj jedinici. Ali, žena po imenu Sofija (S. Loren), zgodna prodavačica ribe, okupirala je njegovu kuću. Zbog toga Antonio mora da se useli kod Done Violante (L. Padovani), koja je potajno zaljubljena u njega... Sofija pristaje iz šale da se uda za Antonija, kako bi učinila ljubomornim svog momka Nikolina – policajca (A. Cifariello)!

Pride and the Passion, The (1957)
[Cary Grant ... Anthony, Frank Sinatra ... Miguel, Sophia Loren ... Juana, Theodore Bikel ... General Jouvet, John Wengraf ... Sermaine, Jay Novello ... Ballinger, José Nieto ... Carlos (as Jose Nieto), Carlos Larranaga ... Jose (as Carlos Larranaga), Philip Van Zandt ... Vidal, Paco El Laberinto ... Manolo (as Paco el Laberinto), Julián Ugarte ... Enrique, Félix de Pomés ... Bishop (as Felix de Pomes), Carlos Casaravilla ... Leonardo, Juan Olaguivel ... Ramon, Nana DeHerrera ... Maria (as Nana de Herrera)]
- The story in this movie deals with the perseverance of Spaniards to take back their country from the French who have conquered Spain under Napoleon as he marched over Europe. A huge cannon, perhaps the largest in the world at that time, is discarded by the army as they retreat from the French invaders. A "ragtag" group of Spanish loyalists find "The Gun" and begin to restore it so they may tow it across Spain to the French stronghold in Avila and use it to open the giant walls for an invasion. Luckily Britain has sent someone to retrieve the cannon for England so they can have it to fight the French also AND to make sure that the French don't get the gun! A shoemaker and his voluptuous girl friend are the leaders of the peasants trying to get the gun to Avila. The Brit can't get help to get the giant gun back to his ship without the peasants and the shoemaker won't help him unless they all go blast Avila open first. The Brit has the knowledge needed to fire the weapon and the... [Director: Stanley Kramer] [132 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Adventure l Drama, USA]
- Tokom napoleonskih ratova kada su Francuzi okupirali Španiju, nekoliko španskih gerilaca namerava da preveze ogromni top preko Španije kako bi pomogli Britancima da poraze Francuze. Britanski oficir (C. Grant) prati celu misiju i putem se zaljubi u vođinu devojku Huanu (S. Loren)...

Legend of the Lost (1957)
[John Wayne ... Joe January, Sophia Loren ... Dita, Rossano Brazzi ... Paul Bonnard, Kurt Kasznar ... Prefect Dukas, Sonia Moser ... Girl, Angela Portaluri ... Girl, Ibrahim El Hadish ... Galli Galli]
- Paul Bonnard arrives in Timbuktu in search of a guide to escort him into the Sahara desert. American Joe January takes the job despite misgivings about Bonnard's plans. Dita, a prostitute who has been deeply moved by what appears to be Bonnard's spiritual nature, follows the two men into the desert. Eventually the trio arrives in the ruins of a lost city, where Bonnard hopes to find the treasure his father sought years earlier before disappearing. But what Bonnard finds alters him in unexpected ways, with tragic results. [Director: Henry Hathaway] [109 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Drama, ITA-USA]
- Dukas (K. Kasznar), upravitelj malog severnoafričkog grada u vreme francuske kolonijalne vlasti, dočekuje uglednog gosta iz Evrope, otmenog Pola Bonara (R. Brazzi). Bonar organizuje ekspediciju u untrašnjost Sahare u potrazi za neprocenjivim blagom drevnog pustinjskog grada. Dukas mu za vodiča preporuči mesnog probisveta Džoa Džanuarija (J. Wayne) koji je opet u zatvoru. Njima se na putu saharskim prostranstvima pridruži i lepa Dita (S. Loren)...

Desire Under the Elms (1958)
[Sophia Loren ... Anna Cabot, Anthony Perkins ... Eben Cabot, Burl Ives ... Ephraim Cabot, Frank Overton ... Simeon Cabot, Pernell Roberts ... Peter Cabot, Rebecca Welles ... Lucinda Cabot (as Rebecca Wells), Jean Willes ... Florence Cabot, Anne Seymour ... Eben's Mother, Roy Fant ... Fiddler]
- Ephraim Cabot is an old man of amazing vitality who loves his New England farm with a greedy passion. Hating him, and sharing his greed, are the sons of two wives Cabot has overworked into early graves. Most bitter is Eben, whose mother had owned most of the farm, and who feels who should be sole heir. When the old man brings home a new wife, Anna, she becomes a fierce contender to inherit the farm. Two of the sons leave when Eben gives them the fare in return for their shares of the farm. Meanwhile, Anna tries to cause some sparks by rubbing up against Eben. [Director: Delbert Mann] [Eugene O'Neill (play)] [111 min, Black and White, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Romance, USA] 
- Priča o teškim porodičnim odnosima i strasti koja se i pored svega razvije. Film je baziran na drami Judžina O'Nila. Sofija Loren je za svoj holivudski debi izabrala prilično zahtevnu, često na ivici pozorišnog, dramu. Odlično se snašla u ulozi Ane i uz iznenađujuće dobro izgovaranje teksta, ostvarila pamtljivi debi... Stari tiranizujući vlasnik farme, tera svoja tri sina da rade po cele dane, ne smatrajući ih ni približno vrednima kao samog sebe. Nakon 20-ak godina otac se ponovo oženi i u kuću dovede mladu ženu. Odlučuje da sve ostavi njoj, što sina Ibena (A. Perkins) koji ostaje na farmi neće oraspoložiti. Težak odnos između oca Ifraima (B. Ives), zajedljivog, egoističnog i drakonskog, i sina Ibena postaje sve teži i teži, što verovatno potencira i njihova dosta velika sličnost u karakterima. Dete koje se nakon nekoliko godina rodi, a koje Ifraim smatra svojim, zapravo je Ibenovo, nakon toga se ustaljeni, napeti i sumorni odnosi raspadaju i potpuno menjaju.

Key, The (1958)
[William Holden ... Capt. David Ross, Sophia Loren ... Stella, Trevor Howard ... Capt. Chris Ford, Oskar Homolka ... Capt. Van Dam (as Oscar Homolka), Kieron Moore ... Kane, Bernard Lee ... Cmdr. Wadlow, Beatrix Lehmann ... Housekeeper, Noel Purcell ... Hotel Porter, Bryan Forbes ... Weaver, Sidney Vivian ... Grogan, Rupert Davies ... Baker, Russell Waters ... Sparks, Irene Handl ... Clerk, John Crawford ... American Captain, Jameson Clark ... English Captain]
- During World War II, tug boats conduct what are called salvage missions - picking up disabled ships. Not well equipped with weaponry, the tugs are sitting ducks for enemy fire. As such, the crew working the tugs have precarious lives, many with deep seated emotional problems. Before the Americans join the war, ex-American military man David Ross is assigned to captain a tug for the British military. He is shown the ropes by an old friend, Captain Chris Ford. Chris currently shares a flat with a young beautiful Italian-Swiss woman named Stella, who came with the flat and who lives a reclusive life there. Chris is the latest in a long line of tug boat captains who have lived there, each who has found another person to take over the flat and the associated looking after of Stella if anything is to happen to him. That person is given a key to the flat, the key only to be used if needed. The first in the series was Phillip Westerby, to who Stella was to be married before Phillip was killed... [Director: Carol Reed] [Jan de Hartog (novel)] [134 min, Black and White, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Romance l War, UK]
- Tokom Drugog svetskog rata tegljači brodova su bili "spasioci misija", jer su kupili i odvlačili oštećene brodove. Nisu bili dobro opremljeni naoružanjem i zbog toga su bili pogodna meta za neprijateljske brodove, pa je tako i njegova posada stalno strepila za svoje živote. Pre nego što će se SAD uključiti u rat bivši američki vojnik Dejvid Ros (W. Holden) pristupa britanskom tegljaču i komanduje zajedno sa svojim starim prijateljem kapetanom Krisom Fordom (T. Howard). Kris deli stan sa predivnom italijankom Stelom (S. Loren), koja je došla kao inventar sa stanom. On je poslednji u nizu kapetana tegljača koji su tamo živeli. Ako se prethodnom stanaru nešto dogodi ili dobije prekomandu, ključ tog stana nasleđuje druga bliska osoba i taj ključ koristi samo za preku potrebu.

Black Orchid, The (1958)
[Sophia Loren ... Rose Bianco, Anthony Quinn ... Frank Valente, Peter Mark Richman ... Noble, Virginia Vincent ... Alma Gallo, Frank Puglia ... Henry Gallo, Jimmy Baird ... Ralph Bianco, Naomi Stevens ... Guilia Gallo, Whit Bissell ... Mr. Harmon, Robert Carricart ... Priest, Joe Di Reda ... Joe, Jack Washburn ... Tony Bianco, Ina Balin ... Mary Valente]
- After mobsters murder her husband, Rose Bianco works long hours making artificial flowers, to support herself and her son. Some suspect that Rose's demand for a lavish lifestyle pushed her husband to a life of crime, and they blame her for his death. Widower Frank Valente is attracted to Rose, and must convince her that real love exists. He must also deal with his own daughter, who has her own reasons for opposing his marriage to Rose. [Director: Martin Ritt] [96 min, Black and White, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Romance, USA]
- Rose Bianko (S. Loren) je udovica ubijenog gangstera koja pokušava ponovo započeti život kao vlasnica cvećarnice. Radnja prikazuje kako se zaljubi u udovca Franka (A. Quinn) što zakomplikuje odnos sa njenom decom.

Houseboat (1958)
[Cary Grant ... Tom Winters, Sophia Loren ... Cinzia Zaccardi, Martha Hyer ... Carolyn Gibson, Harry Guardino ... Angelo Donatello, Eduardo Ciannelli ... Arturo Zaccardi, Murray Hamilton ... Capt. Alan Wilson, Mimi Gibson ... Elizabeth Winters, Paul Petersen ... David Winters, Charles Herbert ... Robert Winters, Madge Kennedy ... Mrs. Farnsworth, John Litel ... Mr. William Farnsworth, Werner Klemperer ... Harold Messner, Peggy Connelly ... Elizabeth Wilson (scenes deleted)]
- A widower, his three young kids and a bombshell nanny get to know each other better when circumstances have them living together aboard a badly neglected houseboat. Tom Winters, a widower, is trying to understand and raise three precocious children alone. He gets a little unexpected help from Cinzia, when the children decide she is be the new maid. She is actually an Italian socialite who is trying to get away from her overprotective father. [Director: Melville Shavelson] [110 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Family, USA]
- Keri Grant je Tom Vinters, udovac koji sa svojom razmaženom decom odlazi u trošnu kuću na vodi. Tamo se sreću sa Ćincijom Cakardi (S. Loren), koja pokušava da pobegne od svog strogog oca Artura (E. Ciannelli). Ona počinje da radi kod Toma kao kućna...

Heller in Pink Tights (1960) 
[Sophia Loren ... Angela Rossini, Anthony Quinn ... Thomas 'Tom' Healy, Margaret O'Brien ... Della Southby, Steve Forrest ... Clint Mabry, Eileen Heckart ... Mrs. Lorna Hathaway, Ramon Novarro ... De Leon, Edmund Lowe ... Manfred 'Doc' Montague, George Mathews ... Sam Pierce, Edward Binns ... Sheriff Ed McClain, Warren Wade ... Hodges, Frank Silvera ... Santis, Boyd Holister ... McAllister (as Robert Palmer), Leo V. Matranga ... Gunslinger #2, Cal Bolder ... Goober, Taggart Casey ... Gunslinger #1]
- Story of theatrical troupe that travels through the Old West. Nineteenth century Wyoming: the wild West. Mild-mannered Tom Healy has a two-wagon theater troupe hounded by creditors because Angela, his leading lady and the object of his affection, constantly buys clothes. In Cheyenne, they meet with applause, so they hope to stay awhile: the theater owner likes Angela, and she keeps him on a string. She's also the object of the attentions of Mabry, a gunslinger who's owed money by the richest man in Bonanza. Complications arise and the troupe heads for Bonanza, through hostile Indian territory. Is the troupe doomed to a peripatetic life, is Mabry in danger, and does Tom stand a chance with Angela, a hellion in pink tights? [Director: George Cukor] [100 min, 1.85 : 1, Western l Adventure l Drama l Romance, USA]
- Krajem 19. veka u Vajoming stiže mala pozorišna trupa čiji je vlasnik Tom Hili (A. Quinn). Muku muči sa svojom dragom Anđelom (S. Loren), inače glavnom glumicom, koja ne prestaje da troši na odeću zbog čega su mu stalno za vratom uterivači dugova. Došavši u grad Šajen, njihove predstave dožive veliki uspeh, pa se ponadaju da će se ovde udomiti i nastaviti sa poslom. Ali, Tom uskoro primeti da je Klint Mabri (S. Forest), zloglasni revolveraš iza koga stoje gradski moćnici, bacio oko na Anđelu...

Breath of Scandal, A (1960)
[Sophia Loren ... Princess Olympia, Maurice Chevalier ... Prince Philip, John Gavin ... Charlie Foster, Angela Lansbury ... Countess Lina, Isabel Jeans ... Princess Eugénie, Tullio Carminati ... Albert, Milly Vitale ... Can-Can Girl, Carlo Hinterman ... Prince Ruprecht, Roberto Risso ... Aide de camp, Friedrich von Ledebur ... Count Sandor, Adrienne Gessner ... Amelia, Luigi Cimara, Waveney Lee, Walter Varndal] 
- You'll Find Yourself in a Whirlpool of Wine, Women and Wonderful Fun! [Director: Michael Curtiz] [Ferenc Molnár (novel)] [97 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Comedy l Romance, ITA-USA]
- Olimpija (S. Loren) je lepa austrijska princeza verena za pruskog princa (C. Hinterman). Muči je potencijalni brak bez ljubavi dok se ne zaljubi u američkog inženjera (J. Gavin). Njen otac Filip (M. Chevalier) mora pomoći svojoj ćerki da donese pravu odluku u ovoj romantičnoj komediji. Sofija Loren i Džon Gevin igraju ljubavnike u ovoj filmskoj adaptaciji predstave "Olimpija" Ferenca Molnara. Princeza Olimpija i pored titule i društvenog položaja ne može da zadovolji svoje seksualne apetite. Zbog takvog ponašanja ona je prognana sa dvora, što je uopšte neće sprečiti da pođe u potragu za novom ljubavnom avanturom. Svog princa na belom konju pronalazi u američkom milioneru Čarliju Fosteru sa kojim ulazi u tajnu vezu. U međuvremenu je dogovoren brak između Olimpije i princa Ruprehta od Prusije. Princezina konkurentkinja, ljubomorna grofica Lina (A. Lansbury) preti da će otkriti Olimpijinu tajnu.

It Started in Naples (1960)
[Clark Gable ... Michael Hamilton, Sophia Loren ... Lucia Curcio, Vittorio De Sica ... Mario Vitale, Marietto ... Nando Hamilton, Paolo Carlini ... Renzo, Giovanni Filidoro ... Gennariello, Claudio Ermelli ... Luigi, Bob Cunningham ... Don Mc Guire - Train Passenger, Marco Tulli, Carlo Rizzo, Yvonne Monlaur]
- Mike Hamilton, a Philadelphia lawyer, comes to Naples to settle the estate of his long estranged "black sheep" brother. Once there, he discovers that the deceased has left an eight-year old little boy named Nando, who is being raised by Michael's sister-in-law Lucia Curcio. Mike immediately disapproves of Nando's Italian-style (in other words "lax") education. To make matters worse, Lucia happens to be... a sexy nightclub dancer. This is too much for a puritan like Mike and the only solution in his eyes is to have the boy brought up in the States... [Director: Melville Shavelson] [100 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Drama, USA]
- Majkl Hamilton (C. Gable) uspešan je i zaposlen pravnik iz Filadelfije koji putuje u Napulj, jer mu je tamo umro brat. Iako ima zakazano venčanje, Majkl je odlučio da obavi posao oko preuzimanja bratovog imanja, zbog čega je angažovao italijanskog advokata Vitalija (V. de Sica). Iako je već bio u Italiji, Majkl nema razumevanja za italijansku ležernost. Iznenađenjima nema kraja jer njegov brat ima sedmogodišnjeg sina, koga na svoju ruku odgaja tetka, zavodljiva Lućija (S. Loren), za koju se ispostavi da radi kao plesačica u noćnom klubu...

Millionairess, The (1960)
[Sophia Loren ... Epifania Parerga, Peter Sellers ... Dr. Ahmed el Kabir, Alastair Sim ... Julius Sagamore, Vittorio De Sica ... Joe (as Vittorio de Sica), Dennis Price ... Dr. Adrian Bland, Gary Raymond ... Alastair, Alfie Bass ... Fish Curer, Miriam Karlin ... Mrs. Maria Joe, Noel Purcell ... Prof. Merton, Virginia Vernon ... Polly Smith, Graham Stark ... Butler, Diana Coupland ... Nurse, Pauline Jameson ... Muriel Pilkington, Eleanor Summerfield ... Mrs. Willoughby, Willoughby Goddard ... President]
- A Millionairess and a doctor cannot marry until they meet conditions set-up by their respective parents. London-based Millionairess Epifania (Sophia Loren) is attracted to Dr. Kabir (MD from Delhi and PhD from Calcutta), who is more intent on treating patients. When she persists, he confides in her that he had made a commitment to his late widowed seamstress mother that he will wed any woman who will manage to survive on just Rs.500/-, for 90 days. She finds out that this sum is equivalent to just 35 shillings but readily accepts this challenge. She also informs him that her late father had also imposed a condition that she must wed a male who will turn L500 into L15000 within the same period. Epifania then finds employment with an Italian firm, ends up re-organizing, and turning up the firm's profits. At the end of 90 days, she goes to meet Kabir and discovers that he has not only given all the money away but also has no interest whatsoever in marrying her. [Director: Anthony Asquith] [George Bernard Shaw (play)] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Romance, UK]
- Džordž Bernard Šo (1856–1950), Irski dramski pisac, koosnivač londonske Ekonomske škole i jedina osoba koja je dobila i Nobelovu nagradu (1925.) i Oskara (za adaptaciju svog komada "Pigmalion", 1938.). Finansijski deo Nobelove nagrade je preusmerio u prevođenje švedske literature na Engleski. U ovoj komediji po pozorišnom komadu Džordža Bernarda Šoa, Epifanija Parerga (S. Loren) je žena koja nasleđuje ogromno bogatstvo i postaje najbogatija na svetu. Sve što Parerga stvarno želi jeste srećan brak, ali njen prvi bračni pokušaj je prava propast. Kada posećuje psihijatra nadajući se da sazna u čemu je pogrešila, njen analitičar dr Adrijan (D. Price) pokušava da je zavede. Parerga skoro da pristaje kada sreće dr Ahmed el Kabira (P. Sellers), stidljivog indijskog lekara lepih manira, koji vodi kliniku za siromašne. Dok Kabir postaje intimniji, ne interesuje ga Parergin novac, već je opčinjen njenom lepotom. Ubeđena da je on voli jednostavno zbog toga što jeste, Parerga odlučuje da je Kabir pravi muškarac za nju.

Ciociara, La [aka Two Women] (1960)
[Sophia Loren ... Cesira, Jean-Paul Belmondo ... Michele Di Libero (as Jean Paul Belmondo), Eleonora Brown ... Rosetta, Carlo Ninchi ... Filippo, il padre di Michele, Andrea Checchi ... Un fascista, Pupella Maggio ... Una contadina, Emma Baron ... Maria, Bruna Cealti ... Una sfollata, Antonella Della Porta ... La madre impazzita, Mario Frera, Franco Balducci ... Il tedesco nel pagliaio, Luciana Cortellesi, Curt Lowens, Tony Calio ... (as Tony Calio), Remo Galavotti]
- In the Italy of WWII, a widow and her lonely daughter seek for distance between them and the horrors of war. Cesira is a beautiful widow and a successful grocery store owner in Rome. WWII is raging, and she fears for her beloved daughter, 13-year-old Rosetta, amid the daily bombings. They travel to the village where Cesira was born, where Cesira believes they will be safer. There, they are happy even as food dwindles. A young intellectual, Michele, falls in love with Cesira, who is too consumed with the well-being of her daughter and their survival to return his timid advances. As the allies advance, Cesira decides to return to Rome - and encounter the horrors of war at last. [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [Alberto Moravia (novel)] [100 min, Black and White, 1.66 : 1, Drama l War, ITA-FRA]
- Rim, tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Majka Ćezira (S. Loren) i njena trinaestogodišnja ćerka Rozeta (E. Brown) beže od savezničkog bombardovanja Rima. Putuju kroz južni deo pokrajine Lacio u svoje rodno selo u brdskoj regiji Ćoćariji. Majka čini sve da zaštiti ćerku, ali nailaze na grupu vojnika koji ih siluju. Majka doživi nervni slom, ali tokom boravka u selu, mladi intelektualac Mikele (J.-P. Belmondo), mladić zanesen komunističkim idejama, se zaljubljuje u nju i ona ne zna kako da se ophodi prema njemu. Između njih se razvije intenzivna emocionalna veza, a i Rozeta se veže za njega, pronalazeći u njemu očinske osobine. Uskoro Mikelea zarobe Nemci i žele da ga iskoriste kao prevodioca i vodiča po planinskom kraju. Kad je Rim oslobođen, Ćezira se sa ćerkom odluči da vrati, ali na putu će se dogoditi mnogo nepredviđenog... Sofija Loren je za ulogu u ovom filmu dobila Oskara, prvi koji je ikad dodeljen za glavnu ulogu u filmu koji nije na engleskom jeziku, a osvojila je i nagradu za najbolju žensku ulogu na Kanskom festivalu. 

El Cid (1961)
[Charlton Heston ... El Cid Rodrigo de Vivar, Sophia Loren ... Jimena, Raf Vallone ... Count Ordónez, Genevieve Page ... Princess Urraca (as Genevieve Page), John Fraser ... Prince Alfonso, Gary Raymond ... Prince Sancho, Hurd Hatfield ... Arias, Massimo Serato ... Fanez, Frank Thring ... Al Kadir, Michael Hordern ... Don Diego, Andrew Cruickshank ... Count Gormaz, Douglas Wilmer ... Moutamin, Tullio Carminati ... Priest, Ralph Truman ... King Ferdinand, Christopher Rhodes ... Don Martín]
- The fabled Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz (a.k.a. El Cid) overcomes a family vendetta and court intrigue to defend Christian Spain against the Moors. Epic film of the legendary Spanish hero, Rodrigo Diaz ("El Cid" to his followers), who, without compromising his strict sense of honour, still succeeds in taking the initiative and driving the Moors from Spain. [Director: Anthony Mann] [182 min, 2.20 : 1, Adventure l Biography l Drama, ITA-USA]
- Radnja filma događa se 1080. godine. Španski vitez Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (C. Heston) uspeva da ujedini dve Španije - hrišćansku i maursku - u borbi protiv zajedničkog neprijatelja, arapskog emira Bena Jusefa koji nastoji da zavlada Iberijskim poluostrvom. Rodrigo Diaz, poznat i po svojim krstaškim pohodima, kasnije je slavljen kao jedan od najvećih španskih nacionalnih junaka i znatno je poznatiji pod nadimkom El Sid. "El Sid" jedna je od najvećih holivudsko-italijanskih koprodukcija koju najbolje predstavlja i osnovni glumački par filma Čarlton Heston i Sofija Loren, iako se pojavljuje još niz italijanskih glumaca kao što su Raf Valone i Masimo Serato.

Boccaccio '70 (1962)
[Marisa Solinas ... Luciana (segment "Renzo e Luciana"), Germano Gilioli ... Renzo (segment "Renzo e Luciana"), Anita Ekberg ... Anita (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio"), Peppino De Filippo ... Dr. Antonio Mazzuolo (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio"), Romy Schneider ... Pupe (segment "Il lavoro"), Tomas Milian ... Conte Ottavio (segment "Il lavoro", as Thomas Milian), Romolo Valli ... Lawyer Zacchi (segment "Il lavoro"), Sophia Loren ... Zoe (segment "La riffa"), Luigi Giuliani ... Gaetano (segment "La riffa"), Alfio Vita ... Cuspet (segment "La riffa")]
- Four directors tell tales of Eros fit for a 1970s Decameron. Working-class lovers, Renzo and Luciana, marry but must hide it from her employer; plus, they need a room of their own. A billboard of Anita Ekberg provocatively selling milk gives a prudish crusader for public decency more than he can handle. The wife of a count whose escapades with call girls make the front page of the papers decides to work to prove her independence, but what is she qualified to do? A buxom carnival-booth manager who owes back taxes offers herself for one night in a lottery: a nerdy sacristan and a jealous cowboy make for a lovers' triangle. In each, women take charge, but not always happily. [Directors: Vittorio De Sica (segment "La riffa"), Federico Fellini (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio"), Mario Monicelli (segment "Renzo e Luciana") and Luchino Visconti (segment "Il lavoro")] [205 min, 1.66 : 1, Comedy l Fantasy l Romance, ITA-FRA]
- U priči "Renco i Lućijana" pratimo mlade supružnike iz naslova (G. Gilioli i M. Salinas) koji su uz traganje za vlastitim stambenim prostorom prisiljeni da podatak o venčanju skrivaju pred svojim poslodavcem. U storiji "Iskušenja doktora Antonija" veliki plakat sa Anitom Ekberg, koja u provokativnoj pozi reklamira mleko, za javni moral zabrinutog doktora Antonija Macuola (P. De Filippo) dovodi u prevelika iskušenja. U priči "Rad" privlačna Pupe (R. Schneider), ogorčena učestalim vanbračnim izletima svog nevernog supruga, grofa Otavija (T. Milian), odluči da sama počne da radi i zarađuje vlastiti novac, da bi se ubrzo našla pred pitanjem čime bi se mogla baviti. A u storiji "Tombola" zbunjeni mladi Gaetano (L. Giuliani) na lutriji osvoji noć sa prekrasnom Zoe (S. Loren), devojkom koja ima drugačije planove i koja će se sa ljubomornim Ćuspetom (A. Vita) naći u neobičnom romantičnom trouglu.

Couteau dans la plaie, Le [aka Five Miles to Midnight] (1962)
[Sophia Loren ... Lisa Macklin, Anthony Perkins ... Robert Macklin, Gig Young ... David Barnes, Jean-Pierre Aumont ... Alan Stewart, Yolande Turner ... Barbara Ford (as Yolande Finch), Tommy Norden ... Johnny, Mathilde Casadesus ... Mme. Duval, Concierge, Billy Kearns ... Capt. Wade, Barbara Nicot ... Regine, Louis Falavigna ... Pharmacist, Elina Labourdette ... Mme. Lafont, Régine ... Mrs. Wade, Pascale Roberts ... Streetwalker, Sophie Réal ... Housemaid, Jean Ozenne ... Monsieur Babasse]
- Lisa Macklin, an Italian woman, has a fight with her American husband Robert in a Paris night club. He leaves the next day for a business trip and Lisa says she does not want to see him again. She is with newspaperman Alan Stewart that evening when she learns Robert's plane has crashed with no survivors. Waking from sedation after the funeral, Lisa finds Robert in their flat, injured but alive. He was thrown clear of the crash by a lucky twist of fate. He now plans to collect the $120,000 insurance he took out at the airport. Once Lisa collects the money and turns it over to him, she will finally be rid of him. She attempts to get advice from Stewart, but he has been replaced by David Barnes. Lisa's life becomes a tortuous ordeal, at work, at home, faced with a fugitive husband and a growing love for David, who suspects everything. Finally her nightmare concludes when she finally gets the check and meets Robert. As they drive to the Belgian border, he reveals he never intended giving... [Director: Anatole Litvak] [110 min, Black and White, 1.66 : 1, Crime l Drama, FRA-ITA]
- Liza Maklin (S. Loren) je Italijanka koja se svađa u pariškom noćnom klubu sa svojim mužem Amerikancem Robertom (A. Perkins). On sledećeg dana odlazi na poslovni put, a Liza mu govori da ga više ne želi nikada videti. On odlazi i Liza uskoro saznaje kako se avion kojim je putovao srušio. Ali, Robert je uspeo preživeti i sada traži od Lize da pokupi novce od osiguranja i da ih njemu. Liza nevoljno pristaje, ali samo iz razloga što joj Robert obećava kako će je nakon toga pustiti na miru. Ludački ljubomoran i paranoičan Robert pretvara joj život u pakao.

Ieri, oggi, domani [aka Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow] (1963)
[Sophia Loren ... Adelina Sbaratti / Anna Molteni / Mara, Marcello Mastroianni ... Carmine Sbaratti / Renzo / Augusto Rusconi, Aldo Giuffre ... Pasquale Nardella (segment "Adelina"), Agostino Salvietti ... Dr. Verace (segment "Adelina"), Lino Mattera ... Amedeo Scapece (segment "Adelina"), Tecla Scarano ... Verace's Sister (segment "Adelina"), Silvia Monelli ... Elivira Nardella (segment "Adelina"), Carlo Croccolo ... Auctioneer (segment "Adelina"), Pasquale Cennamo ... Chief Police (segment "Adelina"), Tonino Cianci ... (segment "Adelina", as Antonio Cianci), Armando Trovajoli ... Giorgio Ferrario (segment "Anna"), Tina Pica ... Grandmother Ferrario (segment "Mara"), Gianni Ridolfi ... Umberto (segment "Mara", as Giovanni Ridolfi), Gennaro Di Gregorio ... Grandfather (segment "Mara")]
- Stories about three very different women and the men they attract. Three different stories of Italian social mores are presented. In "Adelina", unemployed Carmine Sbaratti and his wife Adelina Sbaratti survive through Adelina selling black market cigarettes on the street. They are unable to pay for the furniture they bought (which is under Adelina's name), but are able to avoid the bailiff when he comes for the money or to repossess. They come up with a longer term solution to avoid Adelina being prosecuted for non-payment, but that solution has a profound effect on the family, especially Carmine. In "Anna", Anna Molteni, the spoiled wife of a successful businessman, and an artist named Renzo are on the cusp of an affair. Anna is feeling neglected in the marriage, as her husband seems more concerned about success and money than her. But a car accident shows both Anna and Renzo if an affair with each other is really what they want. In "Mara", Mara is a prostitute who works out of her apartment. She befriends Umberto, a young man visiting his... [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [119 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Romance, ITA-FRA]
- Radi se o tri odvojene priče o parovima u tri italijanska grada. U prvoj, u Napulju, 1953. godine, Adelina (S. Loren) izdržava nezaposlenog muža (M. Mastroianni i dete prodajući cigarete na crno. Zbog toga joj preti zatvor, ali u Italiji trudna žena ne može biti zatvorena. Druga priča se odvija u Milanu. Ana (S. Loren) je žena bogatog industrijalca, ima ljubavnika Renca (M. Mastroianni) i dok se voze u muževom Rols Rojsu razmišlja šta joj je važnije u životu, Renco ili Rols. Treća je priča smeštena u Rim. Mara (S. Loren) je prostitutka sa klijentelom iz bogatih krugova, a jedan od njih je Augusto (M. Mastroianni), neurotični sin bogatog industrijalca iz Bolonje. U Maru se zaljubi mladić (G. Ridolfi) koji je u semeništu i želi ga napustiti zbog nje... Film je 1965. godine dobio Oskara kao najbolji strani film, a Marčelo Mastrojani nagradu BAFTA za najboljeg stranog glumca. 1964. godine film je nominovan za Zlatni globus, a italijansku filmsku nagradu David osvojili su Karlo Ponti, Sofija Loren i Marčelo Mastrojani.

Fall of the Roman Empire, The (1964)
[Sophia Loren ... Lucilla, Stephen Boyd ... Livius, Alec Guinness ... Marcus Aurelius, James Mason ... Timonides, Christopher Plummer ... Commodus, Anthony Quayle ... Verulus, John Ireland ... Ballomar, Omar Sharif ... Sohamus, Mel Ferrer ... Cleander, Eric Porter ... Julianus, Finlay Currie ... Senator, Andrew Keir ... Polybius, Douglas Wilmer ... Niger, George Murcell ... Victorinus, Norman Wooland ... Virgilianus]
- The death of Marcus Aurelius leads to a succession crisis, in which the deceased emperor's son, Commodus, demonstrates that he is unwilling to let anything undermine his claim to the Roman Empire. Action-packed look at the beginnings of the fall of the Roman Empire. Here is the glory, the greed and grandeur that was Rome. Here is the story of personal lust for power, and the shattering effects of that power's loss. Here is the tale of the plight of a people living on the brink of a political abyss.
[Director: Anthony Mann] [188 min, 2.20 : 1, Drama l History l War, USA]
- Tokom rata sa Germanima Marko Aurelije Antonije (A. Guinness), rimski vladar i filozof, poziva svoje najbliže saradnike i princezu u svoj ratni štab ne bi li nagovorili neprijatelje na primirje. Svojoj ćerki Lusili (S. Loren) poverava oporuku u kojoj stoji da će njegov usvojeni sin Livije (S. Boyd) postati naslednik umesto nestabilnog Komoda. Čuvši tu vest, Kleander (M. Ferrer), slepi prorok odan Komodu (C. Plummer), ubije Marka otrovanom jabukom. Nakon pogreba, Livije, koji ne deli Lusilinu ambiciju da postane vladar Rima, dopušta Komodu da se proglasi carem. Dok kuga hara Rimom, Komod se ne prestaje ponašati razvratno i tašto, sve zapuštajući i proganjajući sve koji su bili odani Marku: Livija, Lusilu, Timonida (J. Mason). "Pad Rimskog Carstva" je briljantan istorijski spektakl slavnog američkog reditelja Antonija Mana, tvorca brojnih vrhunskih vesterna. Izvrsno režiran, impresivne scenografije i sjajne muzike kompozitora Dmitrija Tiomkina, film kroz priču precizno razrađuje istorijske okolnosti koje su dovele do pada jedne od najslavnijih civilizacija - starog Rima.

Matrimonio all'italiana [aka Marriage Italian Style] (1964)
[Sophia Loren ... Filumena Marturano, Marcello Mastroianni ... Domenico Soriano, Aldo Puglisi ... Alfredo, Tecla Scarano ... Rosalia, Marilu Tolo ... Diana (as Marilu' Tolo), Gianni Ridolfi ... Umberto, Generoso Cortini ... Michele, Vito Moricone ... Riccardo, Rita Piccione ... Teresina, seamstress, Lino Mattera, Alfio Vita ... Una pasticcere, Alberto Castaldi ... (as Alberto Gastaldi), Anna Santoro, Enza Maggi ... Lucia, maid, Mara Marilli]
The rich man Domenico and Filumena, a penniless prostitute, share great part of their lives in the immediate post WWII Italy. Domenico, a successfull businessman, with an eye for the girls, begins an affair with Filumena when she is 17 years old. She becomes a prostitute, but also becomes the mistress of Domenico. He eventually sets her up in an apartment, and she works for him in his various businesses. She secretly bears three children, who are raised by nannys. Domenico starts planning to marry a young employee. Filumena tricks him into marriage by pretending to be dying. Domenico annuls the marriage. Filumena then tells him of the three children. She says that one of the children belongs to Domenico, but will not say which one is his. You start to believe that all of the children could be his, and Domenico then marries Filumena again, this time willingly. [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [102 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Romance, ITA-FRA]
- Domeniko Sorijano (M. Mastroianni), uspešni poslovni čovek, prvi je put susreo Filumenu Marturano (S. Loren) u rimskom bordelu, za vreme Drugog svetskog rata kada je imala sedamnaest godina. Bilo je to upravo u trenutku kada je započelo bombardovanje, pa su svi otišli u sklonište osim Domenika koji je pronašao Filumenu skrivenu u ormaru. Ponovo se susreću nakon nekoliko godina i nastavljaju svoj ljubavnički put. Domeniko unajmljuje apartman za Filumenu, gde će je posećivati. Uz to ona obavlja razne poslove za njega, a na kraju joj dopušta i nadzor nad prodavnicom. Iako je to Filumenina najveća želja, Domeniko nikad nije pokazao nameru da je oženi, ali ona se neće lako predati...

Operation Crossbow (1965)
[Sophia Loren ... Nora Van Ostamgen, George Peppard ... Lt. John Curtis, Trevor Howard ... Prof. Lindemann, John Mills ... Gen. Boyd, Richard Johnson ... Duncan Sandys, Tom Courtenay ... Robert Henshaw, Jeremy Kemp ... Phil Bradley, Anthony Quayle ... Bamford, Lilli Palmer ... Frieda, Paul Henreid ... Gen. Ziemann, Helmut Dantine ... Gen. Linz, Barbara Rütting ... Hannah Reitsch (as Barbara Rueting), Richard Todd ... Wing Cmdr. Kendall, Sylvia Syms ... Constance Babington Smith, John Fraser ... Flight Lt. Kenny]
- Allied agents attempt to infiltrate the Nazis' rocket research site. This is the story of the methods used to defeat Hitler's V1 (doodlebug) and V2 (rocket) "revenge weapons" towards the end of the second world war. Even though the Nazis were in retreat these weapons could have turned their defeat into victory. The film includes references to Hannah Reich, who in real life was a German test pilot. [Director: Michael Anderson] [115 min,  2.35 : 1, Action | Drama | War, UK]
- U toku Drugog svetskog rata, za nepuna dva meseca, nad glavnim gradom Velike Britanije srušilo se 2.300 raketa koje su ubile preko 6.000, a ranile oko 15.000 lica. Uskoro potom Radio Berlin je preneo Hitlerovu pretnju da se sprema novo, još razornije oružje od koga neće biti bezbedan ni Njujork. Saveznička obaveštajna služba je utvrdila da se baza za izradu raketa nalazi u Pinemindeu. Pošto napadi iz vazduha nisu dali očekivane rezultate, Čerčil je naredio da se pristanište sravni sa zemljom. Time je započela poznata "Operacija strela". Tri obaveštajca - Džon Kertis (G. Peppard), Robert Henšou (T. Courtenay) i Fil Bredli (J. Kemp) - spuštena su padobranom u Holandiju sa zadatkom da dignu u vazduh tajnu bazu. Oni poseduju dokumenta Nemaca koji su zarobljeni od strane Engleza, ali ih već na prvom koraku očekuje veliko iznenađenje i opasnost. U hotelu čija je vlasnica Frida (L. Palmer) policija traži čoveka čija dokumenta ima Henšou. Da ne bi doveo u opasnost izvršenje zadatka, on prima na sebe odgovornost za ubistvo. Džon Kertis će doživeti još teže trenutke. Čovek čija dokumenta on poseduje oženjen je, i ta žena, naravno, ne može da prepozna u njemu svog muža. Kasnije se između ovog čoveka i ove žene, koje ništa nije trebalo da privlači, rađa ljubav, koja zbog specifičnosti momenta, neće trijumfovati, pa će Nora (S. Loren) biti žrtvovana zadatku. Kertis će, na kraju, stići na cilj. Poslednja sekvenca prikazuje eksploziju pri kojoj podzemna baza leti u tamno nebo. Ovo je priča o pokušaju nacističke Nemačke da ubrza raketna istraživanja i raketama V1 i zatim naprednijom V2 pri kraju Drugog svetskog rata napravi preokret. Iako su nacisti bili u povlačenju upotreba takvog oružja mogla je poraz okrenuti u pobedu. Saveznici su bili pred odlukom o pobedniku rata. "Operacija strela" je, prema tome, istorijski dokument, špijunski film i, u isto vreme, dramatični roman o nemogućoj ljubavi. Njegova radnja protkana je prizorima i obrtima koji apsorbuju pažnju do te mere da se grizu nokti. [Zeta film]

Lady L (1965)
[Sophia Loren ... Lady Louise Lendale / Lady L, Paul Newman ... Armand Denis, David Niven ... Dicky, Lord Lendale, Marcel Dalio ... Sapper (as Dalio), Cecil Parker ... Sir Percy, Philippe Noiret ... Ambroise Gérôme, Jacques Dufilho ... Bealu, Eugene Deckers ... Koenigstein, Daniel Emilfork ... Kobeleff, Hella Petri ... Madam, Jean Wiener ... Krajewski, Roger Trapp ... L'inspecteur de police Dubaron, Jean Rupert, Joe Dassin ... Un inspecteur de police, Jacques Legras ... Un inspecteur de police]
- Lady L. is an elegant, elderly lady who recalls the past loves and lusty adventures she has lived through. Today Lady Louise Lendale is 80 years old and she tells her long time admirer, British poet Sir Percy, all about her eventful life. In the beginning, she was a young laundress working in "Le Mouton Bleu", a renowned Paris whorehouse. There, she met Armand, both a charming man and a bomb-throwing anarchist, and it wasn't long before she became his mistress. One day while Armand was away in Switzeland, working for a revolutionary movement aiming to murder a Russian prince, Louise met the second man in her life,, a British Lord she soon called Dicky. The latter offered to marry her. In exchange, he would save Armand from the police's grip. She accepted on the condition she could still see Armand... [Director: Peter Ustinov] [Romain Gary (novel)] [117 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy, FRA-ITA-UK]
- Ledi L (S. Loren) je elegantna starija dama koja se priseća prošlih ljubavi i požudnih avantura koje je imala...

Judith (1966)
[Sophia Loren ... Judith Auerbach, Peter Finch ... Aaron Stein, Jack Hawkins ... Major Lawton, Hans Verner ... Gustav Schiller, Frank Wolff ... Eli, Shraga Friedman ... Nathan, André Morell ... Haim, Zaharira Harifai ... Dr. Rachel, Arnoldo Foa ... Interrogator, Joseph Gross ... Yanek, Roger Beaumont ... Ze'ev, Zipora Peled ... Hannah, Peter Burton ... Conklin, Terence Alexander ... Carstairs, Daniel Ocko ... Arab Guide]
- Beautiful woman who survived concentration camp goes to Israel in 1948 to track down Nazi husband who betrayed her. In Palestine in 1948, the British prepare to end their Mandate, leaving an independent Israel behind. The problems of the British may be ending but for the new state of Israel they're just beginning. Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab nations and must fight to defend itself from aggression. The Israeli defense force, the Haganah, has received intelligence that Arab forces, Syria in particular, are employing former German Panzer commander General Gustav Schiller to train them in tank tactics against Israel. The Israelis also learn that General Schiller's wife, Judith Auerbach Schiller, is a Jewish woman who was betrayed by her husband and was left to die in a concentration camp. Judith has survived the camp and is searching for her husband to exact revenge and to locate their son. The Haganah decides to find Judith and use her knowledge in order to locate the general, positively identify him and make him reveal the Syrian attack plans. Judith is smuggled into Israel and hidden in a... [Director: Daniel Mann] [119 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l War, ISR-UK-USA]
- Nakon što je suprug nacista izda i prijavi kao Jevrejku, preživela iz koncentracionog logora Džudit (S. Loren) putuje u odskora osnovanu državu Izrael u potrazi za svojim nestalim sinom - i kako bi se osvetila svom bivšem suprugu. Džudit je preživela nacistički koncentracioni logor. Nekada je bila udata za Gustava Šilera (H. Verner), Nemca, ali na početku Drugog svetskog rata, on se pridružuje vladajućoj Nacističkoj partiji i kada njegov brak sa Džudit dođe u krizu, on je prijavi vlastima. Iako Džudit uspe da izađe živa iz koncentracionog logora, ona ne zna šta se desilo njenom sinu. Godine 1947., Palestina, još uvek pod britanskom vlašću, razdorena je sukobima između jevrejskih i arapskih snaga, a Gustav, sada traženi ratni zločinac, pojavljuje se tamo kao komandant divizije koju čine arapski teroristi. Aron Stajn (P. Finch) je vođa paravojne jevrejske formacije, Hagane, i potrebna mu je pomoć da pronađe Gustava i sazna šta planira. On kao pomoć angažuje Džudit koja podjednako želi da zaustavi Gustava, u nameri da mu se osveti za ono što je uradio njihovom detetu.

Arabesque (1966)
[Gregory Peck ... Prof. David Pollock, Sophia Loren ... Yasmin Azir, Alan Badel ... Beshraavi, Kieron Moore ... Yussef Kasim, Carl Duering ... Hassan Jena, John Merivale ... Maj. Sylvester Pennington Sloane, Duncan Lamont ... Webster, George Coulouris ... Ragheeb, Ernest Clark ... Beauchamp, Harold Kasket ... Mohammed Lufti]
- Story of international intrigue involving a university professor, an Arab prime minister, a ruthless businessman, a beautiful spy, and hieroglyphics. Professor David Pollock is an expert in ancient Arabic hieroglyphics. A Middle Eastern Prime Minister convinces Pollock to infiltrate the organization of a man named Beshraavi, who is involved in a plot against the Prime Minister. The nature of the plot is believed to be found in a hieroglyphic code. Beshraavi's mistress, Yasmin Azir is a mystery intertwined in the plot. Pollock needs her help, but when she repeatedly seems to double cross him in one escapade after another, he can't decide on whose side she is working. Ultimately working together, Pollock and Yasmin decipher the plot and set out to stop an assassination of the Prime Minister. [Director: Stanley Donen] [105 min, 2.35 : 1, Action | Adventure | Crime, USA]
- Stručnjak za hijeroglife Dejvid Polok (G. Peck) živi uobičajenim životom univerzitetskog profesora. Ali sve se menja kada dobije misterioznu poruku na do tada nepoznatom antičkom jeziku. Njegove prave nevolje počinju kada svi, od jednog naftnog...

Countess from Hong Kong, A (1967)
[Marlon Brando ... Ogden Mears, Sophia Loren ... Natascha, Sydney Chaplin ... Harvey Crothers, Tippi Hedren ... Martha Mears, Patrick Cargill ... Henry L. Arthur Hudson, Michael Medwin ... John Felix, Oliver Johnston ... Milton Clark, John Paul ... The Captain, Angela Scoular ... The Society Girl [aka The Prostitute], Margaret Rutherford ... Miss Gaulswallow, Peter Bartlett ... Steward, Bill Nagy ... Crawford, Dilys Laye ... Saleswoman, Angela Pringle ... Baroness, Jenny Bridges ... Countess, Geraldine Chaplin ... Girl at Dance, Josephine Chaplin ... "Countess" at Dance Hall, Victoria Chaplin ... "Countess" at Dance Hall, Charlie Chaplin ... An Old Steward]
- Ambassador-designate to Saudi Arabia Ogden Mears (Marlon Brando) sails back to America after touring the world. He meets Natascha, a Russian countess (Sophia Loren), in Hong Kong after she sneaks aboard in evening dress to escape her life at a dance hall for sailors. A refugee, she has no passport and is forced to stay in his cabin during the voyage. Ogden dislikes the situation, being a married man, although seeking a divorce, and worries how it might affect his career if she is found. But he reluctantly agrees to let her stay. They then have to figure out a way to get her off the ship, and it is arranged that she marry his aged valet, Hudson (Patrick Cargill). Although it is only a formality, Hudson wishes to consummate the relationship, a wish she does not share. Natascha avoids him and, before docking at port, jumps off the ship and swims ashore. Ogden's wife (Tippi Hedren) then joins the cruise, having just missed Natasha. Ogden's lawyer friend Harvey (Sydney Earle Chaplin), who helped arrange the marriage, meets Natascha ashore and tells her that the immigration officers have accepted her as Hudson's wife. Ogden's wife then confronts him about Natasha, speaking rather roughly about her and the life she led. He then asks if his wife would have done as well under such circumstances. The film ends with Ogden and Natascha meeting in a hotel's cabaret, where they begin dancing, since he has left the cruise and his wife behind. Charlie Chaplin makes two brief appearances as an aged ship's steward. [Director: Charles Chaplin] [120 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Romance, UK]
- Grofica iz Hong Konga je komedija Čarlsa Čaplina iz 1967. godine sa Marlonom Brandom i Sofijom Loren, Tipi Hedren i Sidnijem Erlom Čaplinom. Bio je to jedan od samo dva filma koje je Čaplin režirao, a nije nastupio u glavnoj ulozi (drugi je bio Parižanka iz 1923. godine), i njegov jedini film u boji. Film je bio finansijski i kritički fijasko. Radnja filma govori o ambasadoru imenovanom u Saudijskoj Arabiji Ogdenu Mersu koji plovi nazad u Ameriku nakon što je proputovao svet. U Hong Kongu upoznaje rusku groficu koja se ušuljala na brod kako bi izbegla prisilnu prostituciju. Film je najbolje poznat po tematskoj muzici koju je komponovao Čaplin, a postala je hit u izvođenju Petulije Klark. Kako je film bio, i još jeste, omrznut, uspeh pesme vratio je novac koji je potrošen na film. Čaplin je bio izvan sebe zbog neuspeha i raznih problema tokom produkcije. Ostali su poznati njegovi sukobi sa Brandom, od sukoba dva ega pa do različitih pristupa glumi. Bio je ovo prvi dugometražni film Tipi Hedren nakon njenog početnog uspeha sa rediteljem Alfredom Hičkokom. Puno je očekivala od filma, ali samo dok nije dobila scenario. Kada je shvatila da je dobila malu ulogu Brandove otuđene žene, zamolila je Čaplina da proširi ulogu. I makar joj je Čaplin pokušavao udovoljiti, nije uspeo proširiti ulogu jer se priča većinom odvija na brodu, na koji se njen lik ukrcava tek na kraju filma. Na kraju je ostala na filmu, a kasnije je izjavila kako je bilo zadovoljstvo raditi sa Čaplinom. Čaplin je nastupio u maloj kameo ulozi i tako označio svoje poslednje filmsko pojavljivanje. Film je u potpunosti sniman u studijima Pinvud, blizu Londona. 

C'era una volta [aka More Than a Miracle] (1967)
[Sophia Loren ... Isabella Candeloro, Omar Sharif ... Prince Rodrigo Fernandez, Georges Wilson ... Jean-Jacques Bouché 'Monzu', Leslie French ... Brother Giuseppe da Copertino, Dolores del Rio ... Queen Mother, Marina Malfatti ... Olimpia Capce Latro, Princess Altamura, Anna Nogara ... Impatient Princess, Rita Forzano ... Greedy Princess, Carlotta Barilli ... Superstitious Princess, Rosa María Martín ... Pretentious Princess (as Rosa Maria Martino), Fleur Mombelli ... Proud Princess, Anna Liotti ... Infanta, Carlo Pisacane ... First Witch, Renato Pinciroli ... Carpaccio, Rodrigo's Servant, Cris Huerta]
- A wonderful fairy tale of the misadventures of a beautiful but temperamental Neapolitan peasant, Isabella, when she meets the ill- tempered Spanish Prince Rodrigo Ferrante y Davalos. The King of Spain has ordered Rodrigo to choose a wife among seven Italian Princesses, but he is smitten by the lowly peasant. With the help of both witches and saints, Isabella conquers the heart of her Prince after many amusing events--including an outrageous dishwashing contest of the peasant against the Princesses. [Director: Francesco Rosi] [104 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Fantasy l Romance, ITA-FRA]
- Bajka o nezgodama prelepe napolitanske seljančice Izabele (S. Loren) kada upozna zlovoljnog španskog princa Rodriga (O. Sharif). Njemu je otac naredio da izabere ženu među sedam italijanskih princeza, ali on je očaran seljankom. Uz pomoć veštica i svetaca Isabela osvaja srce princa nakon mnogih zabavnih dogodovština. 

Girasoli, I [aka Sunflower] (1970)
[Sophia Loren ... Giovanna, Marcello Mastroianni ... Antonio, Lyudmila Saveleva ... Mascia (as Ljudmila Saveljeva), Galina Andreeva ... Valentina, Soviet official, Anna Carena ... Madre Antonio, Nadya Serednichenko ... Contadina russa (as Nadja Cerednicenko), Germano Longo ... Ettore, Glauco Onorato ... Il reduce, Silvano Tranquilli ... L'operaio italiano Marisa Traversi ... Donna stazione, Gunars Cilinskis ... Funzionario russo (as Gunnar Zilinskij), Giorgio Basso, Gianni Bortolotti, Umberto Di Grazia, Giuliano Girardi]
- An Italian woman conducts a desperate search for her husband, a soldier considered missing in action in Russia - like fifty thousand others during WWII. At the end of World War II, Giovanna, a war bride living near Milan refuses to accept that her husband, Antonio, missing on the Russian front, is dead. There's a flashback to their brief courtship near her hometown of Naples, his 12-day leave to marry her, ruses to keep from deployment, and the ultimate farewell. Some years after the war, still with no word from Antonio, Giovanna goes to Russia to find him, starting in the town near the winter battle when he disappeared. Armed with his photograph, what will she find? [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [107 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l War, ITA-FRA-SU]
- Priča o dve mlade osobe, koje samo posle par susreta, odlučuju da se venčaju kako bi on odložio odlazak na front u Afriku. Ali, nakon isteka odsustva, umesto Afrike, Antonio (M. Mastroianni) dobija premeštaj u beskrajnu Rusiju. Po okončanju rata Antonio se nije vratio u Italiju. Đovana (S. Loren) se ne miri sa službenim statusom svog muža - "nestao bez traga", pa odluči da ode u Rusiju, da ga pronađe ako je živ.

Bianco, rosso e... [aka Sin, The] (1972)
[Sophia Loren ... Hermana Germana, Adriano Celentano ... Annibale Pezzi, Fernando Rey ... Jefe médico, Juan Luis Galiardo ... Guido, Luis Marín ... Brigadier libanés, Giuseppe Maffioli ... Dr. Arrighi, Sergio Fasanelli ... Dr. Filippini, Pilar Gómez Ferrer ... Hermana Teresa, Patrizia De Clara ... Hermana Caterina, Teresa Rabal ... Lisa, Valentine ... Martina, Tina Aumont ... Senora Ricci, Bruno Biasibetti ... Ottolenghi, Antonio Alfonso ... Gigino, Aldo Farina ... Valenzani]
- A nun falls in love with her patient, who happens to be a communist. [Director: Alberto Lattuada] [96 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama, ITA-FRA-SPA]
- Časna sestra se zaljubljuje u pacijenta, koji je komunista. Nakon godina provedenih u Libiji, sestra Germana (S. Loren) se vraća u Italiju, u jednu bolnicu u Lombardiji. Svi pacijenti je vole, osim Anibala (A. Celentano), siromašnog komuniste koji zapravo nije bolestan, ali nema gde da ode. Iako u početku izgleda da je veza između njih nemoguća zbog različitih političkih i socijalnih stavova, postepeno se među njima rađa ljubav. 

Man of La Mancha (1972)
[Peter O'Toole ... Don Quixote De La Mancha / Miguel de Cervantes / Alonso Quijana, Sophia Loren ... Dulcinea / Aldonza, James Coco ... Sancho Panza / Cervantes' Manservant, Harry Andrews ... The Innkeeper / The Governor, John Castle ... Sanson Carrasco / The Duke, Brian Blessed ... Pedro, Ian Richardson ... The Padre, Julie Gregg ... Antonia Quijana, Rosalie Crutchley ... The Housekeeper, Gino Conforti ... The Barber, Marne Maitland ... Captain of the Guard, Dorothy Sinclair ... The Innkeeper's Wife, Miriam Acevedo ... Fermina, Dominic Barto ... Muleteer (as Dominic Bartó), Poldo Bendandi ... Muleteer]
- The funny story of mad but kind and chivalrous elderly nobleman Don Quixote who, aided by his squire Sancho Panza, fights windmills that are seen as dragons to save prostitute Dulcinea who is seen as a noblewoman. This musical version of Don Quixote is framed by an incident allegedly from the life of its author, Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote is the mad, aging nobleman who embarrasses his respectable family by his adventures. Backed by his faithful sidekick Sancho Panza, he duels windmills and defends his perfect lady Dulcinea (who is actually a downtrodden whore named Aldonza). [Director: Arthur Hiller] [132 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Fantasy l Musical, ITA-USA]
- Migela de Servantesa (P. O'Toole) i njegovog slugu je zarobila španska inkvizicija. Cimeri u ćeliji su veoma zainteresovani za njegove stvari, a jedino do čega je njemu stalo jeste rukopis koji nosi sa sobom. Kako bi ih zavarao, izvodi im komediju o vitezu Don Kihotu.

Viaggio, Il [aka Voyage The] (1974) 
[Sophia Loren ... Adriana de Mauro, Richard Burton ... Cesare Braggi, Ian Bannen ... Antonio Braggi, Barbara Pilavin ... Adriana's Mother, Renato Pinciroli ... Dr. Mascione, Daniele Vargas ... Don Liborio - Lawyer, Sergio Bruni ... Armando Gill, Ettore Geri ... Rinaldo, Olga Romanelli ... Clementina, Isabelle Marchall ... Florist, Riccardo Mangano ... Dr. Carlini, Annabella Incontrera ... Simona, Antonio Anelli ... Giacomo Puccini, Luca Bonicalzi, Francesco Lauriano ... Lawyer Assistant (as Franco Lauriano)]
- Adriana De Mauro loves Cesare Braggi, but Cesare, honoring his father's dying wish, allows his brother, Antonio, to marry Adriana. As fate wills, Antonio dies in an automobile accident. Adriana's mourning for Antonio ends when Cesare steps in to rekindle her lust of life. Soon, Adriana begins having dizzy spells. Cesare helps her to a specialist, and the diagnosis is not good. She has an incurable disease. For the rest of their time together, Cesare woos Adriana and eventually proposes to her on a gondola. Yet, for some reason or other, Signora De Mauro, Adriana's mother, is not pleased with the relationship and argues bitterly with Cesare. [Director: Vittorio De Sica] [Luigi Pirandello (novel)] [102 min, Drama l Romance, ITA-FRA] 
- Sicilija. Mlada aristokratkinja Adrijana (S. Loren) i Ćezare (R. Burton) vole se već godinama. Ali, Adrijana pristaje na želju Ćezarovog oca i udaje se za njegovog brata Antonija (I. Bannen). Kada Antonio umre, na opšte olakšanje svih, čini se da više nema prepreka da Ćezare napokon oženi svoju dugogodišnju ljubav. Ipak, sudbina mu nije naklonjena jer je Adrijana neizlečivo bolesna.

Brief Encounter (1974)
[Richard Burton ... Alec Harvey, Sophia Loren ... Anna Jesson, Jack Hedley ... Graham Jesson, Rosemary Leach ... Mrs. Gaines, Ann Firbank ... Melanie Harvey, Gwen Cherrell ... Dolly Messiter, Benjamin Edney ... Alistair Jesson, John Le Mesurier ... Stephen, Jumoke Debayo ... Mrs. Harris, Madeleine Hinde ... Grace (as Madeline Hinde), Marco Orlandini ... Dominic Jesson, Patricia Franklin ... Beryl, Jack Harding, Christopher Benjamin ... Porter, David Cook ... Schoolmaster]
- Two strangers, both married to others, meet in a railroad station and find themselves in a brief but intense affair. [Director: Alan Bridges] [Noël Coward (play) (as Noel Coward)] [74 min, 1.33 : 1, Drama, UK-ITA]
- Britansko-italijanski film sa Ričardom Bartonom i Sofijom Loren u glavnim ulogama. Dva neznanca uprkos stabilnim bračnim zajednicama, tokom putovanja vozom upuštaju se u ljubavnu avanturu i usput proživljavaju razne dogodovštine.

Cassandra Crossing, The (1976)
[Sophia Loren ... Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain, Richard Harris ... Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain, Burt Lancaster ... Colonel Stephen Mackenzie, Ingrid Thulin ... Dr. Elena Stradner, Martin Sheen ... Robby Navarro, O.J. Simpson ... Haley, Lionel Stander ... Max, the Train Conductor, Ann Turkel ... Susan, Lee Strasberg ... Herman Kaplan, Ava Gardner ... Nicole Dressler, Lou Castel ... Swedish Terrorist, John Phillip Law ... Major Stack, Ray Lovelock ... Tom, Alida Valli ... Nanny, Stefano Patrizi ... Terrorist]
- Passengers on a European train have been exposed to a deadly disease. Nobody will let them off the train so what happens next? "Outbreak" meets "The Runaway Train" as a motley group of passengers are quarantined on a train destined to prevent the spread of the disease at the cost of their lives. Government intrigue, international smuggling, and the legend of the Cassandra Crossing add to the suspense. [Director: George P. Cosmatos (as George Pan Cosmatos)] [129 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Thriller, BRD-ITA-UK]
- Drama u režiji Džordža Pana Kosmatosa, sa Sofijom Loren u glavnoj ulozi. Voz putuje na relaciji Ženeva-Štokholm, kada se odjednom u njemu nađe putnik zaražen smrtonosnim virusom. Kada vlasti za to saznaju sve putnike iz voza stavljaju u karantin i šalju ih na put bez povratka - starom zapuštenom prugom ka Kasandrinom mostu, koji je u lošem stanju. U tom magnovenju, jedan deo putnika uspeva da otkači poslednji vagon, dok kompozicija od nekoliko vagona propada kroz trošni most pravo u reku.

Giornata particolare, Una [aka Special Day, A] (1977)
[Sophia Loren ... Antonietta, Marcello Mastroianni ... Gabriele, John Vernon ... Emanuele, the Husband of Antonietta, Françoise Berd ... Caretaker, Patrizia Basso ... Romana, Tiziano De Persio ... Arnaldo, Maurizio Di Paolantonio ... Fabio, Antonio Garibaldi ... Littorio, Vittorio Guerrieri ... Umberto, Alessandra Mussolini ... Maria Luisa, Nicole Magny ... Officer's Daughter]
- Two neighbors, a persecuted journalist and a resigned housewife, meet during Hitler's visit in Italy in 1938. The film is set during the late 1930s: the occasion is the meeting between Mussolini and Hitler in Rome. Left alone in her tenement home when her fascist husband runs off to attend the historic event, Sophia Loren strikes up a friendship with her mysterious neighbor Mastroianni. As the day segues into night, Loren and Mastroianni develop a very special relationship that will radically alter both of their outlooks on life. [Director: Ettore Scola] [106 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama, ITA-CAN]
- Drama o susretu dvoje suseda na dan kada je Hitler 1938. godine posetio Rim. Domaćica Antonijeta (S. Loren) ostala je kod kuće dok su se njen muž (J. Vernon), fašista, i šestoro dece uključili u doček nemačkog gosta. Zgrada u kojoj žive je prazna, jedino je šarmantni sused preko puta, Gabrijele (M. Mastroianni), kod kuće. Gabrijele je novinar i udaljen je sa posla jer je antifašista i homoseksualac. Biće deportovan na Sardiniju. Njih dvoje se slučajno sretnu, započnu razgovor privučeni uzajamnom toplinom...

Brass Target (1978)
[Sophia Loren ... Mara, John Cassavetes ... Maj. Joe De Lucca, George Kennedy ... Gen. George S. Patton, Robert Vaughn ... Col. Donald Rogers, Patrick McGoohan ... Col. Mike McCauley, Bruce Davison ... Col. Robert Dawson, Edward Herrmann ... Col. Walter Gilchrist, Max von Sydow ... Shelley Martin Webber, Ed Bishop ... Col. Stewart, Lee Montague ... Lucky Luciano, Alan Tilvern ... Frank Ferraro, Hal Galili ... Capt. Levy, Bernard Horsfall ... Shelley, John Junkin ... Carberry, Sigfrit Steiner ... Herr Schroeder]
- General Patton tries to transfer the German gold stock to Frankfurt. But someone foils his plan. The military police begin to find the guilty... [Director: John Hough] [Frederick Nolan (novel)] [111 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Drama l Mystery, USA]
- Po završetku rata, general Paton (G. Kennedy) pokušava da zlatne rezerve Rajhsbanke, nađene u napuštenom rudniku soli, vredne 250 miliona dolara, uskladišti u sefove u Frankfurtu. Ali neko će osujetiti taj plan. Vojna obaveštajna služba započinje opsežnu istragu, u koju se umeša direktno general Paton...

Firepower (1979)
[Sophia Loren ... Adele Tasca, James Coburn ... Jerry Fanon / Eddie, O.J. Simpson ... Catlett, Eli Wallach ... Sal Hyman, Anthony Franciosa ... Dr. Charles Félix, George Grizzard ... Leo Gelhorn, Vincent Gardenia ... Frank Hull, Fred Stuthman ... Paul Halpin, Richard Caldicot ... Harry Calman, Frank Singuineau ... Manley Reckford, George Touliatos ... Karl Stegner, Hank Garrett ... Oscar Bailey, Conrad Roberts ... Lestor Wallace, Billy Barty ... Dominic Carbone, Jake LaMotta ... Nickel Sam]
- A merc is hired by the FBI to track down a powerful recluse criminal. A woman is also trying to track him down for her own personal vendetta. [Director: Michael Winner] [104 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Drama l Thriller, UK]
- Sofija Loren i Džejms Koburn u dobrom engleskom trileru "U poteri za Stegnerom" dokazuju još jednom kvalitet starije garde.

Pret-a-Porter [aka Ready to Wear] (1994) 
[Marcello Mastroianni ... Sergei (Sergio), Sophia Loren ... Isabella de la Fontaine, Jean-Pierre Cassel ... Olivier de la Fontaine, Kim Basinger ... Kitty Potter, Chiara Mastroianni ... Sophie Choiset, Stephen Rea ... Milo O'Brannigan, Anouk Aimée ... Simone Lowenthal (as Anouk Aimee), Rupert Everett ... Jack Lowenthal, Rossy de Palma ... Pilar (as Rossy De Palma), Tara Leon ... Kiki Simpson, Georgianna Robertson ... Dane Simpson, Lili Taylor ... Fiona Ulrich, Ute Lemper ... Albertine, Forest Whitaker ... Cy Bianco, Tom Novembre ... Reggie]
- A chronicle of the interconnected lives of a group of people in the lead up to Paris Fashion Week. A fashion show in Paris draws the usual bunch of people; designers, reporters, models, magazine editors, photographers. Lots of unconnected stories which all revolve around this show, and an all-star cast. [Director: Robert Altman] [133 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Drama, USA]
- Film o glamuru, prestižu i raskoši koji dominira na jednoj od najprestižnijih modnih revija. Sofija Loren, zvana "italijanska Merilin Monro" proglašena je jednom od 50 najlepših ljudi na svetu prema magazinu Peoples. Marčelo Mastrojani 3 nominacije za Oskara, a u filmu glumi i njegova ćerka Kjara Mastrojani. Radnja Altmanovog filma se odvija u Parizu, za vreme jedne od dve godišnje modne revije kada se tamo okuplja la creme de la creme modnog džet-seta: vrhunski modeli i kreatori, kao i gomila novinara.

Grumpier Old Men (1995)
[Walter Matthau ... Max Goldman, Jack Lemmon ... John Gustafson, Sophia Loren ... Maria Sophia Coletta Ragetti, Ann-Margret ... Ariel Gustafson, Burgess Meredith ... Grandpa Gustafson, Daryl Hannah ... Melanie Gustafson, Kevin Pollak ... Jacob Goldman, Katie Sagona ... Allie, Melanie's Daughter, Ann Morgan Guilbert ... Mama Ragetti (as Ann Guilbert), James Andelin ... Sven, Marcus Klemp ... Eddie, Assistant Manager, Max Wright ... County Health Inspector, Cheryl Hawker ... Lena, Wayne A. Evenson ... Handsome Hans, Allison Levine ... Assistant at Dog Pound]
- John and Max resolve to save their beloved bait shop from turning into an Italian restaurant, just as its new female owner catches Max's attention. Things don't seem to change much in Wabasha County: Max and John are still fighting after 35 years, Grandpa still drinks, smokes, and chases women , and nobody's been able to catch the fabled "Catfish Hunter", a gigantic catfish that actually smiles at fishermen who try to snare it. Six months ago John married the new girl in town (Ariel), and people begin to suspect that Max might be missing something similar in his life. The only joy Max claims is left in his life is fishing, but that might change with the new owner of the bait shop. [Director: Howard Deutch] [101 min, 1.85 : 1, Comedy l Romance, USA]
- Nastavak priče o smicalicama između dvojice staraca koji se međusobno ne podnose. Nastavak uspešne komedije "Džangrizavi matorci" ili "Stara gunđala" iz 1993. godine. I dok i ovog puta dvojica starih neprijatelja Džon Gustafson (J. Lemmon) i Maks Goldman (W. Matthau) i dalje smišljaju smicalice jedan drugome, u gradić stiže lepa Marija Rageti (S. Loren), razvedena žena srednjih godina koja, pored jezera na kom pecaju Maks i Džon, želi da otvori restoran. Obojica se protive restoranu, ali Maks se postupno počne zaljubljivati u Mariju. Ni Marija nije ravnodušna prema Maksu, pa je još jedna velika ljubav na pomolu.

Between Strangers (2002)
[Sophia Loren ... Olivia, Mira Sorvino ... Natalia Bauer, Deborah Kara Unger ... Catherine, Pete Postlethwaite ... John, Julian Richings ... Nigel, Klaus Maria Brandauer ... Alexander Bauer, Malcolm McDowell ... Alan Baxter, Len Doncheff ... Grocery Store Owner, Corey Sevier ... Jeb, Ngozi Taymah Armatrading ... Angolan War Child, Dov Tiefenbach ... Matt, Alex House ... Kevin, Noam Jenkins ... Rogelio, Sydney Pearson ... Little Girl, Andrew Tarbet ... George]
- Three women confront their pasts which changes their futures. Toronto, 2001. Three women in spiritual crisis. In secret from her dismissive husband, Olivia draws what she sees in dreams. Catherine, a world-class cellist, has abandoned her husband and daughter to hunt down her father. Photojournalist Natalia, in her famous father's footsteps, scores her first Time Magazine cover, but realizes she has paid an incalculable price for the photo. Olivia has another secret besides her art; Catherine makes discoveries about her father; Natalia receives a gift that's undeserved: these complications push each woman in a new and unexpected direction. [Director: Edoardo Ponti] [95 min, Drama, CAN-ITA]
- Drama o dubokim duševnim dilemama triju žena spremnih na napuštanje sigurnosti radi ostvarenja vlastitih snova i složenim odnosima ćerki i očeva debitantski je celovečernji igrani film Edoarda Pontija, sina slavnog italijanskog producenta Karla Pontija i još slavnije glumice Sofije Loren. Uspešniji reditelj nego scenarista, potomak čuvene filmske dinastije uspeo je rekonstruisati uzbudljiv niz sličica iz života savremenih varijanti Ibzenove Nore. Toronto, godina 2001. Tri žene suočavaju se sa dubokim emocionalnim krizama. Olivija (S. Loren), pateći za ćerkom koju je odmah po rođenju bila prisiljena dati na usvajanje, nemo poslužuje posesivnog muža paraplegičara i u potaji crta slike viđene u snovima. Ketrin (D.K. Unger), vrhunska čelistkinja svetskog glasa, napušta muža, ćerku i karijeru, da bi izdaleka uhodila oca, nedavno otpuštenog zatvorenika, koji je godinama zlostavljao i ubio njenu majku. Fotoreporterka Natalija (M. Sorvino), u trenutku kad joj slika afričkog siročeta u ratnom užasu izlazi na naslovnoj strani Tajma i osigurava uspešnu karijeru, preispituje moralnost posla kojim se bavi. Katarzični trenuci koje proživljavaju pokreću ih u potpuno neočekivanim smerovima... Zadivljuje poznavanje složene ženske psihologije koju je pokazao srazmerno mladi autor. Ponti je demonstrirao i vrhunski rad sa izvanrednom internacionalnom glumačkom ekipom u kojoj su, uz nikada bolju Sofiju Loren, glumački dar dokazale i Debora Kara Unger i Mira Sorvino, ali i muškarci koji ih okružuju: Englezi Pit Postletvejt i Malkolm Mek Dauel, Francuz Žerar Depardije, Nemac Klaus Marija Brandauer i ostali. 

Nine (2009)
[Daniel Day-Lewis ... Guido Contini, Sandro Dori ... Studio Superintendent, Nicole Kidman ... Claudia, Marion Cotillard ... Luisa Contini, Penélope Cruz ... Carla, Judi Dench ... Lilli, Sophia Loren ... Mamma, Kate Hudson ... Stephanie, Stacey Ferguson ... Saraghina (as Fergie), Ricky Tognazzi ... Dante, Giuseppe Cederna ... Fausto, Elio Germano ... Pierpaolo, Roberto Nobile ... Jaconelli, Andrea Di Stefano ... Benito, Romina Carancini ... Production Assistant / Female Dancer]
- Famous film director Guido Contini struggles to find harmony in his professional and personal lives, as he engages in dramatic relationships with his wife, his mistress, his muse, his agent, and his mother. Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother. As his chaotic profession steadily destroys his personal life, Guido must find a balance between creating art and succumbing to its obsessive demands. [Director: Rob Marshall] [118 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Musical l Romance, USA-ITA]
- "Devet" je spektakultarno ostvarenje Roba Maršala sa Danijelom Dej Luisom, Penelope Kruz, Nikol Kidman, Kejt Hadson, Džudi Denč, Stejsi Ferguson i Sofijom Loren u glavnim ulogama. Strast, fantazija, čežnja, ljubav, umetnost, opsena, snovi - život je uvek bio cirkus za svetski poznatog filmskog reditelja iz 60-ih, Gvida Kontinija (D. Day-Lewis), samo što sada on ne može pobeći od toga. Poznat po svom briljantnom filmskom stvaralaštvu i obožavan od mnogih, Gvido se suočava sa kreativnom krizom i na ivici je da napusti snimanje svog devetog filma "Italija". Istovremeno, njegove raskošne kreativne snage i njegov vatreni ljubavni život naći će se van kontrole. Okružen mnoštvom iznenađenih žena - zanosne ljubavnice Karle (P. Cruz), odane supruge Luize (Marion Cotillard), muze Klaudije (N. Kidman), pouzdane kostimografkinje Lili (J. Dench), koketne novinarke iz časopisa "Vogue" (K. Hudson), prostitutke iz detinjstva Sarađine (S. Ferguson) i voljene majke (S. Loren), Gvido će pokušati da nađe inspiraciju i spas od potpune propasti. "Devet" je adaptacija istoimenog brodvejskog komada koji je inspirisan Felinijevim autobiografskim filmom "8 i po" (Oskar 1963. godine za najbolji strani film). Muziku i stihove za originalni brodvejski mjuzikl iz 1982. godine napisao je Mauri Jeston, koji je nastavio saradnju sa Robom Maršalom na filmskoj verziji ovog svetski poznatog i nagrađivanog komada.

Voce umana [aka Human Voice] (2014) 
[Sophia Loren ... Angela, Enrico Lo Verso ... Signore, Alessandra Bonarotta ... Signore's Lover (as Alessandra Bonarota), Virginia Da Brescia ... Giuseppina]
- 'Human Voice' is based on Jean Cocteau's iconic one woman play of the same name. Set against the backdrop of Naples, Italy, in 1950, this romantic drama tells the story of Angela, (played by Sophia Loren), a woman in the twilight of her years who rides the emotional roller coaster of her last telephone conversation with the man she loves as he is leaving her for another woman. [Director: Edoardo Ponti] [Jean Cocteau (play)] [25 min, 2.35 : 1, Short l Drama l Romance, ITA-USA]
- Kratki film inspirisan istoimenom monodramom Žana Koktoa (Jean Cocteau). Smeštena u 1950. godinu, ova romantična drama govori o Anđeli (S. Loren), ženi koja poslednji put razgovara putem telefona sa voljenim čovekom (E. Lo Verso) koji je ostavlja zbog druge žene (A. Bonarotta).