петак, 10. фебруар 2017.


01 PEDESET NIJANSI SIVE Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) 129 min [A]
02 AKO OSTANEM If I Stay (2014) 107 min [A]
03 BESMRTNA ADALINA Age of Adaline, The (2015) 113 min [A]
04 ZALJUBLJEN U LEJU Loving Leah (2009) 98 min [A
05 LEPŠA STRANA BESA Upside of Anger, The (2005) 117 min [A]
06 I U DOBRU I U ZLU Vow, The (2012) 104 min [B]
07 KRIVE SU ZVEZDE Fault in Our Stars, The (2014) 133 min [A]
08 DOK NISAM SRELA TEBE Me Before You (2016) 110 min [A]
09 P.S. VOLIM TE P.S. I Love You (2007) 126 min [A]
10 VEZA BEZ OBAVEZA Friends with Benefits (2011) 110 min [D]
11 NA KRAJU DUGE Love, Rosie (2014) 103 min [A]
12 BESKRAJNA LJUBAV Endless Love (2014) 105 min [A]  

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
[Dakota Johnson ... Anastasia Steele, Jamie Dornan ... Christian Grey, Jennifer Ehle ... Carla, Eloise Mumford ... Kate, Victor Rasuk ... José, Luke Grimes ... Elliot Grey, Marcia Gay Harden ... Mrs. Grey, Rita Ora ... Mia Grey, Max Martini ... Taylor, Callum Keith Rennie ... Ray, Andrew Airlie ... Mr. Grey, Dylan Neal ... Bob, Elliat Albrecht ... Olivia, Rachel Skarsten ... Andrea, Emily Fonda ... Martina]
- Literature student Anastasia Steele's life changes forever when she meets handsome, yet tormented, billionaire Christian Grey. When Anastasia Steele, a literature student, goes to interview the wealthy Christian Grey as a favor to her roommate Kate Kavanagh, she encounters a beautiful, brilliant and intimidating man. The innocent and naive Ana starts to realize she wants him. Despite his enigmatic reserve and advice, she finds herself desperate to get close to him. Not able to resist Ana's beauty and independent spirit, Christian Grey admits he wants her too, but on his own terms. Ana hesitates as she discovers the singular tastes of Christian Grey - despite the embellishments of success, his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, and his loving family, Grey is consumed by the need to control everything. [Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson] [E.L. James (novel)] [125 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance | Thriller, USA]
- Studentkinja književnosti Anastazija Stil (D. Johnson) izgubila je glavu za Kristijanom Grejom (J. Dornan) – prelepim, sivookim, moćnim poslovnim muškarcem. Ubeđena da je njihov sastanak loše prošao, pokušava da više ne misli na intervju koji je imala sa njim – sve dok se Grej ne pojavi u prodavnici u kojoj ona radi i pozove je da izađu. Ana je neiskusna i naivna. Čak i kada je on upozori da je za nju bolje da među njima ne bude ničega, Ana žudi za njim. Ona ne zna za tamnu stranu Grejeve ličnosti - opsesivnu potrebu da kontroliše druge ljude. "Pedeset nijansi sive" je napeto iščekivana adaptacija bestselera koji je postao globalni svetski fenomen. Od kada je objavljena, trilogija "Pedeset nijansi sive" je jedna od najprodavanijih i najbrže prodavanih serijala knjiga u istoriji. 

If I Stay (2014)
[Chloë Grace Moretz ... Mia Hall, Jamie Blackley ... Adam, Mireille Enos ... Kat, Stacy Keach ... Gramps, Joshua Leonard ... Denny, Liana Liberato ... Kim, Gabrielle Rose ... Gran, Jakob Davies ... Teddy, Willa Milner ... Liz (as Ali Milner), Aisha Hinds ... Nurse Ramirez, Gabrielle Cerys Haslett ... Young Mia, Lauren Lee Smith ... Willow, Adam Solomonian ... Henry, John Emmet Tracy ... Surgeon, Chelah Horsdal ... Liddy]
- Life changes in an instant for young Mia Hall after a car accident puts her in a coma. During an out-of-body experience, she must decide whether to wake up and live a life far different than she had imagined. The choice is hers if she can go on. Mia Hall thought the hardest decision she would ever face would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at Juilliard or follow a different path to be with the love of her life, Adam. But what should have been a carefree family drive changes everything in an instant, and now her own life hangs in the balance. Caught between life and death for one revealing day, Mia has only one decision left, which will not only decide her future but her ultimate fate. [Warner Bros.] [Director: R.J. Cutler] [Gayle Forman (novel)] [107 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Fantasy | Music | Romance, USA]
- Život uspešne mlade devojke u jednom trenutku u potpunosti će se promeniti. Inspirativna priča Gejl Forman o životu, ljubavi, muzici i nadi koja nas ne sme napustiti ni u najtežim trenucima već je očarala milione čitalaca, a sada "Ako ostanem" dolazi i kao film! Sedamnaestogodišnja Mija (C.G. Moretz) imala je sve u životu: divnu porodicu, momka koji je obožava i perspektivnu budućnost. Dok razmišlja o izboru koji mora da učini, važući između školovanja na Džulijardu koje uključuje napuštanje porodice i momka (J. Blackley), jednog snežnog jutra sve će se promeniti. Mija i njena porodica sešće u automobil nakon čega ništa više neće biti isto…

Age of Adaline, The (2015)
[Blake Lively ... Adaline Bowman, Michiel Huisman ... Ellis Jones, Harrison Ford ... William Jones, Ellen Burstyn ... Flemming, Kathy Baker ... Kathy Jones, Amanda Crew ... Kikki Jones, Lynda Boyd ... Regan, Hugh Ross ... Narrator, Richard Harmon ... Tony, Fulvio Cecere ... Cab Driver, Anjali Jay ... Cora, Hiro Kanagawa ... Kenneth, Peter J. Gray ... Clarence James Prescott (as Peter James Grey), Izabel Pearce ... Flemming (Age 5) (as Izabel A. Pearce), Cate Richardson ... Flemming (Age 20)]
- A young woman, born at the turn of the 20th century, is rendered ageless after an accident. After many solitary years, she meets a man who complicates the eternal life she has settled into. After miraculously remaining 29 years old for almost eight decades, Adaline Bowman has lived a solitary existence, never allowing herself to get close to anyone who might reveal her secret. But a chance encounter with charismatic philanthropist Ellis Jones reignites her passion for life and romance. When a weekend with his parents threatens to uncover the truth, Adaline makes a decision that will change her life forever. [Director: Lee Toland Krieger] [112 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Fantasy l Romance, USA-CAN]
- Mlada žena prestaje da stari nakon što doživi nesreću. Nakon godina usamljeničkog života, upoznaje čoveka koji je možda vredan gubljenja besmrtnosti. Inspirativna ljubavna priča sa Blejk Lajvli, Harisonom Fordom i Mihielom Huismanom, "Besmrtna Adalina", film je za koji su kostime kreirale modne kuće Dijor i Guči! Tridesetih godina prošlog veka neobična sudbina zadesila je Adalinu Bouman (B. Lively). Posle automobilske nesreće ova prelepa mlada žena ostaje zarobljena u telu 29-ogodišnjakinje i svoju tajnu uspeva da sakriva gotovo osam decenija. Sve dok se u njenom životu ne pojavi harizmatični Elis Džons (M. Huisman).

Loving Leah (2009)
[Lauren Ambrose ... Leah Lever, Adam Kaufman ... Jake Lever, Susie Essman ... Malka, Harris Yulin ... Rabbi Belsky, Natasha Lyonne ... Esther, Christy Pusz ... Carol, Ricki Lake ... Rabbi Gerry, Mercedes Ruehl ... Janice Lever, Tonye Patano ... Emily, Donnie Keshawarz ... Raj, Sylvia Kauders ... Widow Goldfarb, Jayne Houdyshell ... Mrs. Finkelman, David Rossmer ... Rabbi Benjamin Lever, Tibor Feldman ... Dr. Saloway, Jolly Abraham ... Priya]
- A quirky love story revolving around the unexpected wedding and unconventional married life of a 26-year-old widow and her late husband's brother, a handsome 30-year-old cardiologist. When his estranged brother dies suddenly, Jake Lever is confronted with an old Jewish custom. In days past, a man was expected to marry his deceased brother's childless widow, but it is now customary to perform a ceremony releasing the pair from the obligation. During the Halizah ceremony, Jake feels uncomfortable renouncing his brother's memory. Additionally, Leah wishes to escape the confines of her orthodox community and avoid her mother's matchmaking. On the spur of the moment, Leah and Jake decide to enter into a platonic marriage of convenience. [Director: Jeff Bleckner] [95 min, 1.33 : 1, Drama l Romance, USA]
- Uzbudljiva ljubavna priča sa neočekivanim obrtom koja vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnima. Niko nije mogao ni naslutiti da će se 26-ogodišnja udovica (L. Ambrose) usuditi ponovo da venča, i to ni manje ni više nego za rođenog brata svog pokojnog supruga.

Upside of Anger, The (2005)
[Joan Allen ... Terry Ann Wolfmeyer, Kevin Costner ... Denny Davies, Erika Christensen ... Andy Wolfmeyer, Keri Russell ... Emily Wolfmeyer, Alicia Witt ... Hadley Wolfmeyer, Evan Rachel Wood ... Lavender 'Popeye' Wolfmeyer, Mike Binder ... Adam 'Shep' Goodman, Tom Harper ... David Junior, Dane Christensen ... Gorden Reiner, Danny Webb ... Grey Wolfmeyer, Magdalena Manville ... Darlene, Suzanne Bertish ... Gina, David Firth ... David Senior, Rod Woodruff ... Dean Reiner (as Roderick P. Woodruff), Stephen Greif ... Emily's Doctor]
- When her husband unexpectedly disappears, a sharp-witted suburban wife and her daughters juggle their mom's romantic dilemmas and family dynamics. A sharp-witted suburban wife, Terry Wolfmeyer, is left to raise her four headstrong daughters when her husband unexpectedly disappears. Things get even more hectic when she falls for her neighbor Denny, a once-great baseball star turned radio d.j. This leaves her daughters out on a limb. They are forced to juggle their mom's romantic dilemmas as well as their own. [Director: Mike Binder] [118 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Drama, USA-GER-UK]
- Nesrećna domaćica sa četiri ćerke koju je ostavio muž zaljubljuje se u simpatičnog suseda. Oštroumna žena iz predgrađa, Teri En Volfmajer (J. Allen), sama mora da podiže svoje četiri neposlušne ćerke, nakon što njen suprug iznenada nestane. Situacija se još više zakomplikuje nakon što joj se svidi sused Deni (K. Costner), nekadašnja zvezda američkog fudbala, a današnji radio voditelj. To dovodi njene ćerke u neugodan položaj, jer se sada moraju snalaziti i sa maminim, a i sa svojim ljubavnim nedoumicama. 

Vow, The (2012)
[Rachel McAdams ... Paige, Channing Tatum ... Leo, Jessica Lange ... Rita Thornton, Sam Neill ... Bill Thornton, Jessica McNamee ... Gwen, Wendy Crewson ... Dr. Fishman, Tatiana Maslany ... Lily, Lucas Bryant ... Kyle, Scott Speedman ... Jeremy, Joey Klein ... Josh, Joe Cobden ... Jim, Jeananne Goossen ... Sonia, Dillon Casey ... Ryan, Shannon Barnett ... Carrie, Lindsay Ames ... Shana]
- A car accident puts Paige in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo works to win her heart again. Leo and Paige are a couple who just got married. After an accident, Paige is left unconscious, and when she awakes she doesn't remember Leo. Her parents, whom she hasn't seen since she and Leo got together, come and visit her. She can't believe that she hasn't seen them for such a long time. Leo wants to bring her home with him but her parents want her to go with them. She goes with Leo but when she doesn't recognize anything, she goes to her parents. And she wonders why did she cut off contact with her family. She also runs into her ex and wonders why they broke up. Leo tries to win her back by courting her again. [Director: Michael Sucsy] [104 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Romance, USA-FRA-AUS-UK-GER-CAN]
- Automobilska nesreća dovodi da Pejdž (R. McAdams) padne u komu i kada se probudi, gubi pamćenje. Njen muž, Leo (C. Tatum), mora ponovo da osvoji njeno srce. Sveže venčani par se oporavlja posle saobraćajne nezgode zbog koje je supruga završila u komi. Kada se probudi sa ozbiljnim gubitkom pamćenja, njen suprug se trudi da ponovo osvoji njeno srce. Film "I u dobru i u zlu" urađen je po istinitom događaju i na iskren način govori o ljubavi i istrajnosti. Kao neizlečivi romantik, Čening Tejtum je bio oduševljen što scenario govori o spasavanju velike ljubavi: "Zaljubljivanje je lako, dok zajednički život i drugi svakodnevni izazovi predstavljaju onaj teži deo. Priča o Liju i Pejdž se zasniva na tome koliko su ispunjeni dok su zajedno, na koji način sazrevaju i prevazilaze velike prepreke sa kojima se susreću".

Fault in Our Stars, The (2014)
[Shailene Woodley ... Hazel, Ansel Elgort ... Gus, Nat Wolff ... Isaac, Laura Dern ... Frannie, Sam Trammell ... Michael, Willem Dafoe ... Van Houten, Lotte Verbeek ... Lidewij, Ana Dela Cruz ... Dr. Maria, Randy Kovitz ... Dr. Simmons, Toni Saladna ... Flight Attendant, David Whalen ... Gus' Dad, Milica Govich ... Gus' Mom, Allegra Carpenter ... Hostess, Emily Peachey ... Monica, Emily Bach ... Monica's Mom]
- Two teenage cancer patients begin a life-affirming journey to visit a reclusive author in Amsterdam. Hazel and Augustus are two teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them on a journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous, given that Hazel's other constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gus jokes about his prosthetic leg, and they meet and fall in love at a cancer support group. [Director: Josh Boone] [John Green (book)] [126 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA]
- Dvoje teško bolesnih tinejdžera po prvi put otkrivaju pravu ljubav. Bestseler Džona Grina koji je širom sveta doživeo pohvale i publike i kritike izašao je 2012. godine, a 2014. godine nam stiže i njegova ekranizacija! Krive su zvezde priča je o dvoje tinejdžera koji se upoznaju i zaljube u grupi podrške obolelima od raka. Oni će nas naučiti da život ne mora biti savršen da bi ljubav bila izvanredna. Oni pronalaze veru u život. "Teško je reći ljudima: pogledajte film o bolesnoj deci – odlično ćete se provesti", rekao je Green. "Ali zaista hoćete". 

Me Before You (2016)
[Emilia Clarke ... Lou Clark, Sam Claflin ... Will Traynor, Vanessa Kirby ... Alicia, Eileen Dunwoodie ... Café Customer, Pablo Raybould ... Frank, Gabrielle Downey ... Daphne, Henri Charles ... Thomas Clark (as Henri Kirkham), Samantha Spiro ... Josie Clark, Brendan Coyle ... Bernard Clark, Jenna Coleman ... Katrina "Treena" Clark, Alan Breck ... Grandad, Matthew Lewis ... Patrick, Muzz Khan ... Syed, Janet McTeer ... Camilla Traynor, Charles Dance ... Stephen Traynor]
- A girl in a small town forms an unlikely bond with a recently-paralyzed man she's taking care of. Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they're going to change each other for all time. [Director: Thea Sharrock] [Jojo Moyes (novel)] [110 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, UK-USA]
- Luiza Klark (E. Clarke) je potpuno jednostavna devojka koja je upravo izgubila posao u lokalnom kafiću, a Vil Trejnor (S. Claflin) je imućan muškarac bogatog iskustva čiji je život naprasno promenjen saobraćajnom nesrećom nakon koje Vil postaje trajno prikovan za krevet i zavisan od drugih. Njihovi putevi se isprepliću kad Luiza postane Vilova lična asistentkinja što će im doneti životnu avanturu.

P.S. I Love You (2007)
[Hilary Swank ... Holly, Gerard Butler ... Gerry, Lisa Kudrow ... Denise, Gina Gershon ... Sharon, James Marsters ... John, Kathy Bates ... Patricia, Harry Connick Jr. ... Daniel, Nellie McKay ... Ciara, Jeffrey Dean Morgan ... William Jeffrey, Dean Winters ... Tom, Anne Kent ... Rose Kennedy, Brian McGrath ... Martin Kennedy, Sherie Rene Scott ... Barbara, Susan Blackwell ... Vicky, Michael Countryman ... Ted]
- A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life. Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life - a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself". In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You. Holly's mother and best friends begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing... [Director: Richard LaGravenese] [Cecelia Ahern (novel)] [126 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA]
- Ljubav koja je probila granice smrti. Činjenica da je moguće napisati ljubavnu priču u kojoj jedno od ljubavnika više nije živo potekla je iz istoimenog romana mlade Irkinje Sesilije Ahern. Sesilija Ahern, je rođena u Dablinu 1981. godine, a svoj prvi roman, P.S. I Love You, objavila je 2007. godine. Tek što je izašao, roman je postao bestseler, preveden je na mnoge svetske jezike, a iste godine je prema romanu snimljen istoimeni film. Mladi bračni par, Holi (H. Swank) i Geri (G. Butler), žive skromno u malom stanu, srećno i zaljubljeno. Sve se iznenada prekida kad Geri oboli od tumora na mozgu i za nekoliko meseci umre. Neutešna i izgubljena, Holi ne izlazi iz kuće, ne javlja se majci ni prijateljima, ne posprema stan, čak se i ne pere. Tako to traje do njenog tridesetog rođendana. Na rođendan je bez najave poseti majka Patrisija (K. Bates), sestra i troje najboljih prijatelja, Šeron (G. Gerson), Deniz (L. Kudrow) i Džon (J. Masters). Usput joj donose i paket koji je stigao poštom i za koji ne zna ko ga šalje, dok ne presluša poruku snimljenu na diktafonu. Poruka je od Gerija, koji još nije spreman da se zauvek oprosti od svoje lepe žene i koji zna kako se ona oseća posle njegove smrti, pogađa sve šta radi i kako se ponaša i želi da joj pomogne da ga što lakše prežali. Traži od nje da izađe sa prijateljima i proslavi rođendan i da otputuje u njegovu rodnu Irsku i upozna njegovog starog prijatelja Vilijema Džefrija (D. Morgan)... Autor filma je Ričard LaGravenes koji je uspeo da napiše izvrstan scenario i snimi ljubavni film brzog ritma, izvrsno profilisanih likova, sa duhovitim situacijama i dijalozima, koje su često dirljive do suza. 

Friends with Benefits (2011)
[Justin Timberlake ... Dylan Harper, Mila Kunis ... Jamie Rellis, Patricia Clarkson ... Lorna, Jenna Elfman ... Annie, Bryan Greenberg ... Parker, Richard Jenkins ... Mr. Harper, Woody Harrelson ... Tommy, Nolan Gould ... Sam, Andy Samberg ... Quincy, Shaun White ... Himself, Andrew Fleming ... Driver, Catherine Reitman ... Female Co-Worker, Courtney Henggeler ... Flight Attendant, Masi Oka ... Darin Arturo Morena, Tiya Sircar ... Hostess]
- A young man and woman decide to take their friendship to the next level without becoming a couple, but soon discover that adding sex only leads to complications. Jamie Rellis (Mila Kunis) is a New York City head-hunter trying to sign Los Angeles-based art director Dylan Harper (Justin Timberlake) for her client. When he takes the job and makes the move, they quickly become friends. Their friendship turns into a friendship with benefits, but with Jamie's emotionally damaged past and Dylan's history of being emotionally unavailable, they have to try to not fall for each other the way Hollywood romantic comedies dictate. [Director: Will Gluck] [109 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy | Romance, USA]
- Veza između dvoje prijatelja se zakomplikuje kada odluče da uđu u romansu. Uprkos uzajamnoj privlačnosti, oboje shvataju da su upravo ono što u jednoj vezi žele da izbegnu i odlučuju da vide šta će se desiti kada odstrane emocije i zadrže se na čisto fizičkoj strani. "Veza bez obaveza" priča je o lovcu na talente koja zapošljava novog urednika magazina sa kojim se uskoro upušta u seksualnu vezu. Bez ikakvih obaveza, na početku se čini da njihovo "partnerstvo" zaista funkcioniše, ali samo do onog trenutka kada lik kog u filmu portretiše Džastin Timberlejk ne shvati da je zapravo zaljubljen u svoju novu koleginicu (M. Kunis) koja je oko bacila na drugog partnera...

Love, Rosie (2014)
[Lily Collins ... Rosie Dunne, Sam Claflin ... Alex Stewart, Christian Cooke ... Greg, Jaime Winstone ... Ruby, Suki Waterhouse ... Bethany, Tamsin Egerton ... Sally, Jamie Beamish ... Phil, Lorcan Cranitch ... Dennis Dunne, Ger Ryan ... Alice Dunne, Lily Laight ... Katie (12 years), Matthew Dillon ... Toby (12 years), Rosa Molloy ... Katie (5 years), Sadbh Malin ... Clare, Nick Lee ... Herb, Damien Devaney ... Man in the Lift]
- Rosie and Alex have been best friends since they were 5, so they couldn't possibly be right for one another...or could they? When it comes to love, life and making the right choices, these two are their own worst enemies. Rosie and Alex have been best friends since they were 5, so they couldn't possibly be right for one another... or could they? When it comes to love, life and making the right choices, these two are their own worst enemies. One awkward turn at 18, one missed opportunity... and life sends them hurling in different directions. But somehow, across time, space and different continents, the tie that binds them cannot be undone. Will they find their way back to one another, or will it be too late? Based on Cecelia Ahern's bestselling novel "Where Rainbows End", Love, Rosie is a modern comedy-of-errors tale posing the ultimate question: Do we really only get one shot at true love? [Director: Christian Ditter] [Cecelia Ahern (novel)] [102 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy | Romance, GER-UK]
- Rozi (L. Collins) i Aleks (S. Claflin) su najbolji prijatelji. Oni su se iznenada razdvojili kada su Aleks i njegova porodica preselili iz Dablina u Ameriku. Može li njihovo prijateljstvo da preživi kilometre i godine razdvojenosti? I hoće li se oni kockati sa svim što imaju zbog prave ljubavi? Može li pravo prijateljstvo da preraste u nešto više. Svetski popularna priča Sesilije Ahern (P.S. I Love You) o muško-ženskom prijateljstvu koje je trajalo godinama! Rozi je bez njega izgubljena i ubrzo odlučuje da se preseli kod njega u Boston, ali tada primi vest koja će joj zauvek promeniti život i zadržati je kod kuće u Irskoj. I pored godina koje prolaze i udaljenosti, oni ostaju i dalje povezani, dok se Rozi pita da li bi trebali biti možda nešto više od prijatelja…

Endless Love (2014)  
[Alex Pettyfer ... David Elliot, Gabriella Wilde ... Jade Butterfield, Bruce Greenwood ... Hugh Butterfield, Joely Richardson ... Anne Butterfield, Robert Patrick ... Harry Elliot, Rhys Wakefield ... Keith Butterfield, Dayo Okeniyi ... Mace, Emma Rigby ... Jenny, Anna Enger ... Sabine, Fabianne Therese ... Checka, Mike Bland ... Harry's Friend, Jake Schultz ... Harry's Friend, Jeff Pope ... Mechanic (as Jeff Wayne Pope), Zechariah Pierce ... Waiter, Ryan Lewis ... Maserati Driver]
- The story of a privileged girl and a charismatic boy whose instant desire sparks a love affair made only more reckless by parents trying to keep them apart. David has had a crush on Jade since the first time he saw her in the tenth grade. With high school coming to an end, David has never spoken to her until her family pulls up to The Inn, where David works as a valet. She and David fall madly in love, a love that only grows stronger as parents try to tear them apart. David knows Jade's past, but as his secrets are slowly revealed, Jade's trust is tested and leaves them wondering if they are truly meant to be together. [Director: Shana Feste] [104 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA]
- Bezvremenska priča o pronalasku srodne duše. Rimejk istoimenog filma snimljenog prema romanu Skota Spensera donosi nam priču o romansi između 18-ogodišnjeg mladića iz prosečne porodice i vršnjakinje, ćerke bogataša, čija strast rezultira ljubavnom aferom kojoj se njeni roditelji žestoko protive. U filmu "Beskrajna ljubav" glume Aleks Petifer i Gabrijela Vild. Oni su Dejvid Eliot, harizmatični mladić, i Džejd Baterfild, devojka iz visokog društva, čije međusobne simpatije prerastu u ljubavnu vezu koju njihovi roditelji pokušavaju da spreče. Iako se između njih nalazi dubok jaz klasnih razlika, gravitaciona sila koja ih privlači ne može se poreći ni zaustaviti. Posle mature u Džejd, devojku koja ima bezbroj mogućnosti u budućnosti, zaljubljuje se Dejvid, mladić iz radničke porodice sa problematičnom prošlošću. Njen otac (B. Greenwood), opsednut kontrolom, staje na put njihovoj romantičnoj vezi i pokušava je udaljiti od njega, dok njena majka (J. Richardson) podržava žar koji se rasplamsao među mladima. Sa druge strane, Dejvidov otac (R. Patrick) savetuje mu da bude silno oprezan. Tokom nezaboravnog leta dvoje mladih usprotiviće se logici i dopustiti da njihova strast odredi njihovu zajedničku budućnost...

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