субота, 4. фебруар 2017.


Message in a Bottle (1999)
[Kevin Costner ... Garret Blake, Robin Wright ... Theresa Osborne (as Robin Wright Penn), Paul Newman ... Dodge Blake, John Savage ... Johnny Land, Illeana Douglas ... Lina Paul, Robbie Coltrane ... Charlie Toschi, Jesse James ... Jason Osborne, Bethel Leslie ... Marta Land, Tom Aldredge ... Hank Land, Viveka Davis ... Alva, Raphael Sbarge ... Andy, Richard Hamilton ... Chet, Rosemary Murphy ... Helen at the B&B, Steven Eckholdt ... David Osborne, Susan Brightbill ... Catherine Land Blake]
- A woman discovers a tragic love letter in a bottle on a beach, and is determined to track down its author. A woman finds a romantic letter in a bottle washed ashore and tracks down the author, a widowed shipbuilder whose wife died tragically early. As a deep and mutual attraction blossoms, the man struggles to make peace with his past so that he can move on and find happiness. [Director: Luis Mandoki] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [131 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- "Poruka u boci" reditelja Luisa Mandokija logičan je nastavak melodramskih istraživanja, ali ovog puta sa nešto tamnije i tužnije strane. Kevin Kostner je sa punim pravom bio prvi izbor producenata za ulogu ćutljivog udovca, muškarca koji shvata ljubav gotovo starozavetnom silinom i nepokolebljivošću. Kao kontrast njegovoj povučenosti, Robin Rajt je pokazala iskrene, neproračunate osećaje i tako ostvarila jednu od svojih najboljih uloga. Jednog dana na obali mlada novinarka Tereza Ozborn (R. Wright) slučajno pronalazi poruku u boci. Potpisana samo slovom "G", poruka je puna ljubavi i žala za preminulom suprugom. Pokazavši poruku svojim kolegama, Tereza ni ne sluti kakve će događaje izazvati i pokrenuti. Pismo nepoznatog muškarca izlazi u sutrašnjem izdanju novina, a reakcije čitalaca, između ostalog, donose i dve nove poruke u boci. Podstaknuta emotivnošću autora, Tereza kreće u potragu, koja je ubrzo dovodi do privlačnog restauratora brodova, Gareta Blejka (K. Costner). I zaista, Garet još tuguje za svojom suprugom, a Tereza, i sama nesrećna zbog nedavnog sloma bračne veze, pronalazi u Garetu muškarca svog života. Ali prošlost još uvek stoji između dvoje nesrećnih ljubavnika. "Rasplamsane emocije i neočekivani preokret u ovoj ljubavnoj priči epskih razmera sigurno će vam izmamiti suze." People. 

Walk to Remember, A (2002)
[Shane West ... Landon Carter, Mandy Moore ... Jamie Sullivan, Peter Coyote ... Reverend Sullivan, Daryl Hannah ... Cynthia Carter, Lauren German ... Belinda, Clayne Crawford ... Dean, Al Thompson ... Eric, Paz de la Huerta ... Tracie (as Paz De La Huerta), Jonathan Parks Jordan ... Walker, Matt Lutz ... Clay Gephardt, David Andrews ... Mr. Kelly, David Lee Smith ... Dr. Carter, Xavier Hernandez ... Luis, Marisa Miller ... Ms. Garber, Paula Jones ... Sally]
- The story of two North Carolina teens, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who are thrown together after Landon gets into trouble and is made to do community service. In Beaufort, North Carolina, a prank on a student goes terribly wrong and puts the student in the hospital. Landon Carter, a popular student with no defined plans for the future, is held responsible and forced to participate in after-school community service activities as punishment, which include starring as the lead in the school play. Also participating in these activities is Jamie Sullivan, the reverend's daughter who has great ambitions and nothing in common with Landon. When Landon decides he wants to take his activities seriously, he asks Jamie for help and begins to spend most of his time with her. But he starts to develop strong feelings for her, something he did not expect to do. The two start a relationship, much to the chagrin of Landon's old popular friends and Jamie's strict reverend father. But when a heart-breaking secret becomes known that puts their relationship to the test, it is then that Landon and Jamie realize the true meaning of love and fate. [Director: Adam Shankman] [Writers: Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [102 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Među grupom obesnih tinejdžera koji jedne večeri na jezeru odluče da se grubo našale sa svojim školskim kolegom je i mladi Landon Karter (S. West), zbog čijeg nemara se njegov vršnjak pri padu u jezero ozledi. Nakon što pod uticajem alkohola pokuša pobeći, Landon ubrzo dospe u ruke policije, pa je na zadovoljstvo svoje majke Sintije (D. Hannah) kažnjen prisilnim dobrotvornim radom. Kad uz učestvovanje u dramskoj sekciji započne sa svakodnevnim napornim čišćenjem školskih prostorija, Landonu jednog dana za oko zapne povučena Džejmi Saliven (M. Moore). Mirna, skromna i neupadljiva ćerka mesnog protestantskog sveštenika (P. Coyote), Džejmi je romantična devojka koja ne drži do spoljašnjeg izgleda, zbog čega je često predmet poruge školskih kolega, među kojima je i Landonova bivša devojka Belinda (L. German). Iako mu je Džejmi potpuna suprotnost, Landona devojka privlači, naročito nakon što sazna da i ona učestvuje u radu dramske sekcije. Kada pokuša da kontaktira sa Džejmi, shvati da time izaziva podsmeh svojih prijatelja... Reč je o razmerno sugestivnom, nenametljivo režiranom i uverljivo glumljenom filmu. Uz pouzdanu Šenkmanovu režiju i raspoložene glumačke nastupe, zasluge za uspeh najviše pripadaju proznom predlošku Nikolasa Sparksa, i kod nas rado čitanog pisca, koji naklonost publike i kritike stiče delima u kojima se vešto bavi temama (hrišćanske) ljubavi, tragedije i sudbine, netipičnim romantičnim pričama. Ovo je možda najpoetičniji Sparksov roman koji će se dopasti i najprobirljivijem čitaocu. Kao što sam autor kaže: "Najpre ćete se raznežiti, a potom ćete plakati – nemojte reći da vas nisam upozorio". "Kroz Landonov obred odrastanja iz neodgovornog mladića u nesebičnog muškarca punog ljubavi, Sparks iznova potvrđuje da majstorski prebira po stunama duše." Booklist.

Notebook, The (2004)
[Ryan Gosling ... Noah Calhoun, Rachel McAdams ... Allie Hamilton, James Garner ... Duke, Gena Rowlands ... Allie Calhoun, Tim Ivey ... Rower, Starletta DuPois ... Nurse Esther, Anthony-Michael Q. Thomas ... Nurse Keith, Ed Grady ... Harry, Renée Amber ... Nurse at Counter, Jennifer Echols ... Nurse Selma, Geoffrey Knight ... Barker, Kevin Connolly ... Fin, Heather Wahlquist ... Sara Tuffington, Andrew Schaff ... Matthew Jamison III, Matt Shelly ... Seabrook Boy]
- A poor yet passionate young man falls in love with a rich young woman, giving her a sense of freedom, but they are soon separated because of their social differences. In a nursing home, resident Duke reads a romance story for an old woman who has senile dementia with memory loss. In the late 1930s, wealthy seventeen year-old Allie Hamilton is spending summer vacation in Seabrook. Local worker Noah Calhoun meets Allie at a carnival and they soon fall in love with each other. One day, Noah brings Allie to an ancient house that he dreams of buying and restoring and they attempt to make love but get interrupted by their friend. Allie's parents do not approve of their romance since Noah belongs to another social class, and they move to New York with her. Noah writes 365 letters (A Year) to Allie, but her mother Anne Hamilton does not deliver them to her daughter. Three years later, the United States joins the World War II and Noah and his best friend Fin enlist in the army, and Allie works as an army nurse. She meets injured soldier Lon Hammond in the hospital. After the war, they meet each other again going on dates and then, Lon, who is wealthy and... [Director: Nick Cassavetes] [Writers: Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [124 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Dopadljiv i romantičan film glumca i reditelja Nika Kasavetisa, sina slavnog Džona Kasavetisa. Radi se o adaptaciji bestselera popularnog američkog pisca Nikolasa Sparksa, čije su najčešće teme ljubav, hrišćanstvo i uopšteno čovekova sudbina. Vrlo suptilan i dobrih dijaloga, "Beležnica" je uspelo delo koje se može svideti raznim naraštajima i ljudima različitih dobnih grupa. Ostareli Noa (J. Garner) redovno posećuje Ali (G. Rowlands), staru, polusenilnu ženu koja boravi u domu za stare i nemoćne. Ne želeći joj dosađivati naklapanjima o svojoj monotonoj svakodnevici, on odluči da joj čita priču zapisanu u staroj beležnici. U njoj je, naime, detaljno opisano svedočanstvo mladog para iz četrdesetih godina čija je strastvena veza bila prekinuta nakon što su se razdvojili tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Osim tadašnjih prilika u zemlji, glavni razlog za razdvajanje ljubavnika bili su prigovori Alijinih roditelja, pripadnika visoke građanske klase, koji su smatrali da Noa (R. Gosling) nije prava prilika za nju (R. McAdams). Sedam godina kasnije par se ponovo pronašao i, iako shvatajući da su im se životni putevi potpuno razišli, oni ne mogu odoleti, a da sebi ne pruže drugu priliku...

Nights in Rodanthe (2008)
[Richard Gere ... Dr. Paul Flanner, Diane Lane ... Adrienne Willis, Christopher Meloni ... Jack Willis, Viola Davis ... Jean, Becky Ann Baker ... Dot, Scott Glenn ... Robert Torrelson, Linda Molloy ... Jill Torrelson, Pablo Schreiber ... Charlie Torrelson, Mae Whitman ... Amanda Willis, Charlie Tahan ... Danny Willis, Carolyn McCormick ... Jenny, Ted Manson ... Old Gus, Ato Essandoh ... Jean's Lover, Terri Denise Johnson ... Medical Resident, Jessica Lucas ... Admiring Nurse]
- A doctor who is traveling to see his estranged son sparks with an unhappily married woman at a North Carolina inn. Adrienne Willis, a woman with her life in chaos, retreats to the tiny coastal town of Rodanthe, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, to tend to a friend's inn for the weekend. Here she hopes to find the tranquility she so desperately needs to rethink the conflicts surrounding her - a wayward husband who has asked to come home, and a teen-aged daughter who resents her every decision. Almost as soon as Adrienne gets to Rodanthe, a major storm is forecast and a guest named Dr. Paul Flanner arrive. The only guest at the inn, Flanner is not on a weekend escape but rather is there to face his own crisis of conscience. Now, with the storm closing in, the two turn to each other for comfort and, in one magical weekend, set in motion a life-changing romance that will resonate throughout the rest of their lives. [Director: George C. Wolfe] [Writers: Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [97 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA-AUS] A
- Vikend u hotelu spaja dvoje usamljenih i nesrećnih ljudi. Ričard Gir i Dajen Lejn su dvoje ljudi koji ponovo otkrivaju ljubavni žar u malom obalnom hotelu. Film je nastao prema istoimenoj noveli popularnog američkog pisca Nikolasa Sparksa. Adrijen Vilis (D. Lane), žena čiji je život u haosu dolazi u mali obalni gradić Rodante da bi posetila porodični hotel svoje prijateljice. Nada se da će tu pronaći mir koji joj očajnički treba i da će moći da razmisli o svojim životnim problemima, suprugu koji joj se želi vratiti i ćerki koja prezire svaku njenu odluku. Po dolasku Adrijen, najavljena je velika oluja, što joj onemogući odlazak kući, a u isti hotel u kome se ona nalazi dolazi i Dr. Pol Flaner (R. Gere). Flaner je u hotel došao da bi sredio svoje misli i krizu savesti. U olujnom vikendu Adrijen i Pol doživljavaju romansu koja će im zauvek promeniti život.

Dear John (2010)
[Channing Tatum ... John Tyree, Amanda Seyfried ... Savannah Curtis, Richard Jenkins ... Mr. Bill Tyree, Henry Thomas ... Tim Whyddon, D.J. Cotrona ... Noodles, Cullen Moss ... Rooster (Dan Rooney), Gavin McCulley ... Starks, Jose Lucena Jr. ... Berry (as Jose Lucena), Keith Robinson ... Captain Stone, Scott Porter ... Randy, Leslea Fisher ... Susan, William Howard Bowman ... Daniels (as William Howard), David Andrews ... Mr. Curtis, Mary Rachel Dudley ... Mrs. Curtis, Bryce Hayes ... Yellow Shirt]
- A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he's home on leave. South Carolina US Army Special operations soldier John is on summer leave from his German base, visiting his widowed father. Being gallant on the pier, he befriends college student Savannah, a college student, and her buddies, a terminal father and his angelic son. John falls in love with Savannah, who diagnoses his beloved, gentle but weird father as mildly autistic. He plans not to sign up again, but 9/11 changes that, and she won't wait idly while their friends desperately need help. [Director: Lasse Hallström] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [108 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance | War, USA] A
- Mladi vojnik se zaljubi se u konzervativnu studentkinju. Film "Sve što želim to si ti" prava je romantična drama za sve ljubavne sladokusce koju je režirao iskusni Lase Halstrem, a u kojoj glavne uloge tumače mlade holivudske zvezde u usponu – Čejning Tejtum i Amanda Sejfrid. Džon Tajer (C. Tatum) je mladi pripadnik specijalnih jedinica američke vojske koji 2001. godine sa službe u Nemačkoj stigne na dvonedeljni odmor u rodni grad Vilmington u Severnoj Karolini. Dok brine o svom bolesnom ocu Bilu (R. Jenkins), jednog dana na kupanju ugleda privlačnu Savanu Kertis (A. Seyfried), studentkinju u koju se zaljubi na prvi pogled. Nakon što se i Savana ubrzo snažno zaljubi u njega, ona Džonu pre povratka na fakultet obeća da će mu često pisati tokom sledećih 12 meseci, sve dok opet ne stigne kući i dok se ponovo ne vide. Ali ostvarenju njihove ljubavi i romantičnih planova isprečiće se mnoštvo nepredviđenih stvari, počevši od terorističkog napada na njujorške Blizance zbog kog će Džon otići u rat. Sve će se dodatno zakomplikovati kad se Džonov otac Bil ozbiljno razboli, i kad Savana počne brinuti o autističnom dečaku Alanu (B. Reed), sinu svog suseda Tima Widona (H. Thomas) koji je u nju zaljubljen... Reč je o ljubavnoj priči "većoj od života" koju Halstrem režira nenametljivo, elegantno i prilično atmosferično, sa osloncem na suptilan i vizuelno rafinisan pristup romantičnim i egzistencijalnim dramama likova i njihovih odnosa, spretno izbegavajući patetiku i vešto koristeći uverljivu "hemiju" između glavnih glumaca. Njih raspoloženo interpretiraju mlada i sve traženija zvezda Čejning Tejtum i darovita Amanda Sejfrid.

Last Song, The (2010)
[Miley Cyrus ... Ronnie Miller, Greg Kinnear ... Steve Miller, Bobby Coleman ... Jonah Miller, Liam Hemsworth ... Will Blakelee, Hallock Beals ... Scott, Kelly Preston ... Kim, Nick Lashaway ... Marcus, Carly Chaikin ... Blaze, Kate Vernon ... Susan Blakelee, Nick Searcy ... Tom Blakelee, Adam Barnett ... Teddy, Michael Jamorski ... Lance, Melissa Ordway ... Ashley, Carrie Malabre ... Cassie, Lance E. Nichols ... Pastor Harris]
- A rebellious girl is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect. Ronnie's (Miley Cyrus) and her younger brother, Jonah's, parents are divorced. They live with their mother until this summer when they are sent to live with their father (Greg Kinnear) in a small town on the beach. Ronnie resents her father and has no intention of being friendly or even talking to him for the summer. But after meeting a handsome guy and beginning to fall in love, Ronnie starts rediscovering her love for music, something she shares with her father. Reconnecting with music revives a kinship with her father which proves to be the most important relationship she may ever experience. [Director: Julie Anne Robinson] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [108 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Family | Music | Romance, USA] A
- Ljubav prema muzici povezaće oca i njegovu otuđenu ćerku. Majli Sajrus blista kao zvezda ovog toplog filma o odrastanju koji će vas dirnuti u srce. Prema knjizi Nikolasa Sparksa, "Poslednja pesma" prati priču Roni Miler (M. Cyrus) i njenog otuđenog oca Stiva (G. Kinnear) dok pokušavaju da obnove nekadašnji prisan odnos. Ali, vratiti se u život buntovne ćerke i nije tako lako pa otac bira jedinu stvar koja ih još veže – muziku, u priči o porodici, prijateljstvu, tajnama i iskupljenju, kao i prvim ljubavima i drugim šansama u životu. Ovo je dirljiva i emotivna drama koju nećete zaboraviti.

Lucky One, The (2012)
[Zac Efron ... Logan, Taylor Schilling ... Beth, Blythe Danner ... Ellie, Riley Thomas Stewart ... Ben, Jay R. Ferguson ... Keith Clayton, Adam LeFevre ... Judge Clayton, Robert Hayes ... Victor (as Robert Terrell Hayes), Joe Chrest ... Deputy Moore, Russell Durham Comegys ... Roger Lyle (as Russ Comegys), Sharon Conley ... Principal Miller (as Sharon Morris), Ann McKenzie ... Charlotte Clayton, Kendal Tuttle ... Aces, Cameron Banfield ... Younger Marine, Ritchie Montgomery ... Cottage Owner, Courtney James Clark ... Logan's Sister (as Courtney J. Clark)]
- A Marine travels to Louisiana after serving three tours in Iraq and searches for the unknown woman he believes was his good luck charm during the war. Logan is a marine serving in Iraq. While there, he finds a photo of a girl with "keep safe" written on the back. He is admiring it when his unit is attacked. He survives and credits the photo for saving him. He tries to find the owner but can't, assuming he was killed. When he goes back to the States, he finds it difficult to adjust and is still haunted by what happened. Analyzing the photo, he finds in the background a landmark that tells him she is in Louisiana. He then goes there and finds her. He learns her name is Beth. He tries to tell her what happened but can't get the words out. She assumes he's there to apply for the job they advertised looking for someone to help at her family's business, a dog kennel. He says yes but at first she gets an uneasy feeling from him but her grandmother decides to give him a chance. It isn't long that he makes a connection with her son. He then discovers that it was her brother who had the picture only he doesn't remember him. He sees that her... [Director: Scott Hicks] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [101 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Američki mlađi vodnik Logan Tibolt (Z. Efron), vraća se sa trećeg boravka na dužnosti u Iraku, imajući na umu da ga je samo jedno ostavilo u životu - fotografija nepoznate žene koju je našao. Saznavši gde žena živi i da se zove Bet (T. Schilling), pojavljuje joj se pred vratima i zapošljava se u štenari koju vodi njena porodica. I pored njenog početnog nepoverenja i složenosti njenog života, među njima se rađa ljubav, što Loganu daje nadu da je Bet možda i nešto više od amajlije.

Safe Haven (2013)
[Julianne Hough ... Katie, Josh Duhamel ... Alex, Irene Ziegler ... Mrs. Feldman, Jon Kohler ... Bus Station Clerk, Tim Parati ... Bus Station Worker, David Lyons ... Tierney, Giulia Pagano ... Pushy Bus Woman, Juan Piedrahita ... Jr. Detective Ramirez (as Juan Carlos Piedrahita), Red West ... Roger, Noah Lomax ... Josh, Mimi Kirkland ... Lexie, Robin Mullins ... Maddie, Jasper Grey ... Bus Boy, Tora Hallström ... Ivan's Waitress, Wendy Wilmot ... Realtor]
- A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her. When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small North Carolina town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet self-effacing, Katie seems determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships: one with Alex, a widowed store owner with a kind heart and two young children; and another with her plainspoken single neighbor, Jo. Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to let down her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community and becoming increasingly attached to Alex and his family. But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still haunts and terrifies her a past that set her on a fearful, shattering journey across the country, to the sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo's empathic and stubborn support, Katie eventually realizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards and... [Director: Lasse Hallström] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [116 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance | Thriller, USA] A
- Uzbudljiva i napeta priča o borbi jedne žene da ponovo zavoli. "Utočište" je zasnovano na romanu Nikolasa Sparksa, najprodavanijeg autora koji stoji iza hit filmova "Beležnica" i "Dragi Džon". Kad misteriozna mlada žena (J. Hough) stigne u mali grad u Severnoj Karolini, njena nevoljnost da se pridruži blisko povezanoj zajednici podići će pitanja o njenoj prošlosti. Ona će polako početi da "pušta korenje" i skupiće hrabrost da započne vezu sa Aleksom (J. Duhamel), udovcem sa dvoje dece. Ali mračne tajne počinju da ugrožavaju njen novi život toliko da će biti primorana da ponovo otkrije značenje reči "žrtva" i da se osloni na snagu ljubavi u ovom duboko potresnom ljubavnom trileru.

Best of Me, The (2014)
[Michelle Monaghan ... Amanda, James Marsden ... Dawson, Luke Bracey ... Younger Dawson, Liana Liberato ... Young Amanda, Gerald McRaney ... Tuck, Caroline Goodall ... Evelyn, Clarke Peters ... Morgan Dupree, Sebastian Arcelus ... Frank, Jon Tenney ... Harvey Collier, Sean Bridgers ... Tommy Cole, Rob Mello ... Ted Cole (as Robert William Mello), Hunter Burke ... Abee, Robby Rasmussen ... Bobby / Aaron, Caroline Hebert ... Young April, Ian Nelson ... Jared]
- A pair of former high school sweethearts reunite after many years when they return to visit their small hometown. Amanda and Dawson are soul mates who met as teens and were from different backgrounds. But circumstances would force them to part ways. 20 years later they are brought back together by the passing of a mutual friend. So they go back home to fulfill his final wishes and they run into each other. While Amanda is married, albeit unhappily, she still has feelings for Dawson but can't forgive him for pushing her away. [Director: Michael Hoffman] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [118 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Bivši par ponovo se susreće nakon dvadeset dugih godina razdvojenosti. Nova ekranizacija romana Nikolasa Sparksa, autora Beležnice i drugih dela. Najomiljeniji pisac romantičnih priča ovog nas puta vodi životnim putevima dvoje potpuno različitih srednjoškolaca (M. Monaghan i J. Marsden) koje, nakon strastvene ljubavne veze, okolnosti razdvoje na 20 godina. Sada odrasli ljudi, oni će se sresti u rodnom gradu u koji će se vratiti zbog smrti bliskog i dragog prijatelja (G. McRaney)…

Longest Ride, The (2015)
[Britt Robertson ... Sophia Danko, Scott Eastwood ... Luke Collins, Alan Alda ... Ira Levinson, Jack Huston ... Young Ira, Oona Chaplin ... Young Ruth, Melissa Benoist ... Marcia, Lolita Davidovich ... Kate Collins, Elea Oberon ... Mrs. Pfeffer, Kate Forbes ... Ira's Mother, Tiago Riani ... Luiz, Danny Vinson ... Larry Till, Hayley Lovitt ... Rodeo Girl / Dancer, Tracey Bonner ... Nurse Wilson, Jaret Sears ... Joe Parks, Hunter Burke ... David Stein]
- The lives of a young couple intertwine with a much older man, as he reflects back on a past love. Based on the bestselling novel by master storyteller Nicholas Sparks, The Longest Ride centers on the star-crossed love affair between Luke, a former champion bull rider looking to make a comeback, and Sophia, a college student who is about to embark upon her dream job in New York City's art world. As conflicting paths and ideals test their relationship, Sophia and Luke make an unexpected and fateful connection with Ira, whose memories of his own decades-long romance with his beloved wife deeply inspire the young couple. Spanning generations and two intertwining love stories, The Longest Ride explores the challenges and infinite rewards of enduring love. [Director: George Tillman Jr.] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [128 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Ostareli udovac otkriće mladom paru pravo značenje ljubavi. Ekranizacija istoimenog bestseler romana Nikolasa Sparksa o izazovima, ali i nagradama bezuslovne ljubavi. "Najduže putovanje" upoznaje nas sa Lukom (S. Eastwood), bivšim prvakom u jahanju bikova koji se pokušava vratiti profesionalnom bavljenju ovim opasnim sportom, i Sofi (B. Robertson), studentkinji koja je upravo dobila posao iz snova u Njujorku. Dok različite nesuglasice, ali i visoki ideali stavljaju na iskušenje njihovu vezu, ovo dvoje mladih pronaći će novo nadahnuće nakon slučajnog susreta sa Ajrom Levinsonom (A. Alda) i njegovim sećanjima posvećenim ljubavi prema voljenoj supruzi koja je trajala decenijama.

Choice, The (2016)
[Benjamin Walker ... Travis Shaw, Teresa Palmer ... Gabby Holland, Maggie Grace ... Steph, Alexandra Daddario ... Monica, Tom Wilkinson ... Shep, Tom Welling ... Ryan, Jesse C. Boyd ... Matt, Brad James ... Ben, Noree Victoria ... Liz, Anna Enger ... Megan, Lou Lou Safran ... Katie, Vance Griswold ... Jesse, Brett Rice ... Dr. McCarthy, Ashley LeConte Campbell ... Maryanne McCarthy, Sharon Blackwood ... Cora]
- Travis and Gabby first meet as neighbors in a small coastal town and wind up in a relationship that is tested by life's most defining events. [Director: Ross Katz] [Nicholas Sparks (novel)] [111 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama | Romance, USA] A
- Gabi Holand (T. Palmer) je studentkinja medicine koja se useljava pored ženskaroša Trevisa Šoa (B. Walker), što će ih oboje povesti na romantično putovanje za koje ni ona ni on nisu verovali da je moguće. Trevis je oduvek mislio da bi ozbiljna veza ugrozila njegov lagodan način života, dok je Gabi bila spremna da se "skrasi" sa svojim dugogodišnjim momkom - sve dok im nepobitna uzajamna privlačnost ne poremeti njihove dobro isplanirane živote. Nakon burnog perioda, Gabi i Trevis stupaju u brak i zasnivaju porodicu, odlučujući zajedno o svemu, sve dok jedno od njih dvoje ne mora sam da donese najvažniju odluku u životu. Poučna priča o ljubavi, braku i porodici koja istražuje najstrašnije pitanje od svih: koliko daleko biste išli da održite nadu o ljubavi?

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